Recent Questions Menu Q Tree
Q: The problem that I am still experiencing (Im sure I have missed something obvious!) - is that all the pages open when you click on the relevant links but they always open with the "About Us" tab showing and then as soon as you click on a different tab you see it highlight for a second and then it just reverts back to the About Us tab even though the page has changed. As the site opens I obviously want the first tab to be highlighted as opposed to the 2nd one and the each page highlights and holds as you go through the menu.
A: See, you set
var bselectedItem=2;
That is why "About us" tab is selected.
You should change the selected tab depending on the page you are now.
This Tabs menu can save pressed item automatically within1 page only. If you open another page, the menu can't remember presseditem. You should do that manually using Javascript and menu parameters( var bselectedItem) or using any server-side script (php, asp, etc.)
Deluxe Tabs doesn't support API functions which can return theselected tab.
If your site is written on PHP you can set "bselectedItem" parameter based on your link beforeyou call tabs-kasper.js file.
For example, move "bselectedItem" parameter from tabs-kasper.js file to yourcode.
<TD vAlign=top align=left>
/* Select Tab */
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem=<?php echo $seltabs; ?>;
<SCRIPT src="tabs-kasper.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
You should define seltabs using server side script.
You can also set on every page before you call tabs-kasper.js file(for example, for solution tab).
<TD vAlign=top align=left>
/* Select Tab */
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem=4;
<SCRIPT src="tabs-kasper.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
Try that.
Q: I am not able to get the Keystrokes function to work. The variable is set to 1 on both parameters and it is set at 113 for the F2 function key but it is not highlighting anything on the horizontal menu I have, any ideas?
A: Please check that you have dmenu_key.js file in the same folder withyour dmenu.js file.
You can also send us a copy of your html page (including .js files) ora direct link to your website, so we can check it.
Q: My site requires me to regularly update the drop down menu by inserting a new item at the top of the list.
A: Add items using the following function:
function dm_ext_addItemPos (menuInd, submenuInd, iParams, Pos)
Adds the new item to a submenu.
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
iParams = [array] - the array of item parameters.
This parameter has the same structure as an item in menuItems array.
You can assign parameters of another existent item of the menu
(for example, when you want to create a duplicate of the existent item) or create new ones.
Structure of iParams:
[item_text, link, icon_normal, icon_over, tip, target, individual_style_index, jsFilename]
Pos - the position in the menu where you want to add new item.
Find more info: I have not been able to get the dhtml context menu - or any other Javascript - to appear. I use FrontPage2000. Any ideas?
A: See how you should install JavaScript Tree Menu on your pages.
JavaScript Tree Menus weren't developed as Dreamweaver/Frontpage extension,BUT you can use it as standard Javascript files. To install the dhtml context menuinto your html page:
1. open the page in your program
2. open html source code of the page
3. add several rows of code (<script> tags), For info see:
That's all.
It is possible that Dreamweaver changes some paths, so you havean error in the preview.
On your site or in your browser there'll be no errors.
Create your menu in Deluxe Tuner application.
You can create any dhtml context menu as you like in Deluxe Tuner.
2. You should install the menu on your page.
You can click, for example, File/Export to HTML (you can't do it inthe MAC version).
Add several rows into your html page.
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">dhtml context menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath="deluxe-menu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-deluxe-menu.js"></script> //data-deluxe-menu.js - data file created in Deluxe Tuner.
<tr><td><script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/data.js"></script></td></tr>
You should also copy all engine files
into "deluxe-menu.files/" folder. You should place this folder in thesame folder with your index. html page.