Recent Questions Dynamic Javascript Tree
Q: When I open my site in Internet Explorer 6.0 the main drop menu code shows up nicely but the drop-down sub-menus are separated. The drop menu code work very nicely in a Firefox browser but not in IE.
A: There are some problems also with your css.The problem is that the drop menu code can't get css properties of the object if they are described in separate .css block (or file).
In other words, you can't get the value of "position" attribute of the object if the object doesn't have this property within inline style(style="position:relative"). To get the value you should move .css style into style="" attribute.
Please, try to add your
css file -> inline css, for example:
You should add style="position:relative;"
to the
<DIV id="right">
So, you'll have:
<DIV id=right style="POSITION: relative;">
Check that.
Q: Is it possible for the dhtml navigation to stay within a table for placement (in order to have a centered website content optimized for 1024x768 - and always have the content centered in the browser regardless of larger resolution sizes, etc.)? so the horizontal placement may vary but the vertical placement would remain the same.
I'm sure it is - but have not had success on implementing it.
A: You can place a menu in a TABLE or DIV with aligh="center".
Q: I’m currently testing your product and using the tabs. My question is that not all my javascript html tabs point to the same target, I tried doing your suggestion on your FAQ but when I do that the tabs do not even display, here is my code
["|Manage Users","user.asp",,,,,"fmeMain"] also tried different points in the parameters
I know the break down is as follows
[Display,Url,Icon1, icon2, title,supposedToBeTarget]
A: See, you can use links if you have
var tabMode=1;
If you have
var tabMode=0;
You should use the ID of the DIV.
Unfortunately, you cannot set target parameter for each item.
bmenuItems has the following structure:
var bmenuItems = [
["text", "divID or link or javascript function", "icon1", "icon2", "icon3", "tip", "styleN"],
But you can try to open your pages using different targets in thefollowing way
["tab text", "javascript:'test.html', 'frameName')", ...],
["tab text", "javascript:'test.html', '_self')", ...],
["tab text", "javascript:'test.html', '_blank')", ...],
Where frameName - the name of the frame where to open the page test.html.
Using this method you can create Deluxe Tabs in var tabMode=0; and var tabMode=1;
Q: The popup menu gives the (first) menu of the top menu. I need of course for this to be the menu of the popup.
A: Installation of your menu is not correct.
Now you have:
1) There is no need to call dmenu_popup.js file. You should delete thefollowing line:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="dmenu_popup.js"></script>
2) Where you call source_pop.js file for Popup menu?
You should add:
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2 src="menu_files/source_pop.js"type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
3) The ID of your Popup menu is 1. Now you have ID - 0.
<img src="testimage.gif" width="200" height="200" onClick="return dm_popup(0, 9000, event);" style="cursor:hand;">
you should write:
<img src="testimage.gif" width="200" height="200" onClick="returndm_popup(1, 9000, event);" style="cursor:hand;">