Recent Questions Css Tree Menu Code
Q: I’d like to know how to populate the navigation bar menu from a database?
A: Please, see the example of .php file.The content of .php file depends on your database structure.
// The example for PHP/MySQL.
// MySQL database has the table "menuTable" that contains data for menu items.
// The table has the following fields:
// 1. "text" - item text
// 2. "link" - item link
// 3. "icon1" - item icon (normal state)
// 4. "icon2" - item icon (mouseover state)
function getMenuItems()
$jsItems = '';
// Select all records from table "menuTable"
$allItems = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM menuTable;');
// Extract items data from database and build Javascript code for menuItems
while ($itemData=mysql_fetch_array($allItems))
$jsItems .= '["'.$itemData['text'].'", "'.$itemData['link'].'", "'.$itemData['icon1'].'", "'.$itemData['icon2'].'"],';
// Return Javascript code
return $jsItems;
var menuParam1 = value1;
var menuParam2 = value2;
var menuParam2 = value2;
var menuItems = [
// Write Javascript code for menu items
echo getMenuItems();
Q: How can I have the option for the navbar tabs that initiated the action highlighted once the new page is reloaded?
I want to highlight the tab which is done with 'bselectedItem', please tell me about thesub-tab option.
A: See you cannot create subitems in:
var tabMode=0;
it is not correct.
You should set
var tabMode=1;
The following parameters set the pressed items for top items andsubitems:
var bselectedItem=0; //top items
var bselectedSmItem=2; //subitems
where 0,1,2... is the index of the item in bmenuItems.
- delete var bselectedItem=1; and var bselectedSmItem=2; parameters from your data file
- set correct parameters on each page before you call data file, forexample:
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/dtabs.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> var bselectedItem=3;
var bselectedSmItem=5; </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/data.js"></script>
Q: Can I use my own images as the tabs in a dreamweaver navigation bar?
A: The Drop down menu items have the following structure:
var menuItems = [
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, tip, target, itemStyleInd, submenuStyleInd, jsFilename],
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, tip, target, itemStyleInd, submenuStyleInd, jsFilename],
Where iconNormal, iconOver - Icons of an item: icon in normal state, icon in mouseover state.
So you can set your menu items in a such way:
var menuItems = [
["","testlink.htm", "icon1.gif", "icon1o.gif"],
["","", "icon2.gif", "icon2o.gif"],
["|","testlink.htm", "icon3.gif", "icon3o.gif"],
["|","testlink.htm", "icon4.gif", "icon4o.gif"],
["|","testlink.htm", "icon5.gif", "icon5o.gif"],
["","testlink.htm", "icon1.gif", "icon1o.gif"],
Q: I cannot see the arrow.gif's in my rollover drop down menu.
Here is my code:
var arrowImageMain=["menudir/arrow_main3.gif","menudir/arrow_main3.gif"];
var arrowWidthSub=0;
var arrowHeightSub=0;
var arrowImageSub=["menudir/arrow_sub5.gif","menudir/arrow_sub4.gif"];
Do I need to put the arrow's somewhere else?
A: You should check the following parameter:
var pathPrefix_img="data-samples/images/";
Please check that you have the correct path to your aroows relative to the folder withindex.html file.
For example, you have:
In menu.js file you should write:
var pathPrefix_img="menudir/";
var arrowImageMain=["arrow_main3.gif","arrow_main3.gif"];
var arrowImageSub=["arrow_sub5.gif","arrow_sub4.gif"];
var pathPrefix_img="";
var arrowImageMain=["menudir/arrow_main3.gif","menudir/arrow_main3.gif"];
var arrowImageSub=["menudir/arrow_sub5.gif","menudir/arrow_sub4.gif"];