Recent Questions Javascript Kontextmenu Treeview
Q: I was wondering why when I add the code below the flash disappears in safari, but now works in Firefox, when the dropdown menu is rolled over? Can it work in both Safari and Firefox?
function dm_ext_ruleObjectHide()
// Safari detect
if ((parseInt(navigator.productSub)>=20020000) && (navigator.vendor.indexOf('Apple Computer') != -1) && (navigator.product=='Gecko'))
return true;
return false;
A: The following code in this function
// Safari detect
if ((parseInt(navigator.productSub)>=20020000) && (navigator.vendor.indexOf('Apple Computer') != -1) && (navigator.product=='Gecko'))
return true;
hides flash in Safari.
JavaScript Tree Menu can't drop down over an object correctly in Safari that iswhy the latter will be hidden for a time when the submenu is shown.
You can try to delete this code.
Q: I changed the parameter from
var dmObjectsCheck=0;
var dmObjectsCheck=1;
in the data.js file
but it didn't change it;
I opened the dmenu_add.js file, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with it?
I went to your sample page and I would like to add the item widths into mydata.js file, but each item is a different width. Would it be correct for meto do this?...
var itemStyles = [
Or will I have to make all the main menu items/graphics the same width?
A: You don't have to change your dmenu_add.js file.
Please, place this file in the folder where your menu iscreated in.
Yes, you can set itemWidth for each main item.
Please, use Deluxe Tuner to create your individual styles.
You should write, for example, so:
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=98px"], // style 0
["itemWidth=100px"], // style 1
["itemWidth=110px"], // style 2
["itemWidth=120px"], // style 3
["itemWidth=95px"], // style 4
var menuItems = [
["","", "data.files/products.gif", "data.files/products_mo.gif", "Products", "_self","0" , , , ],
["","", "data.files/demoCenter.gif", "data.files/demoCenter_mo.gif", , ,"1", , , ],
["","", "data.files/resources.gif", "data.files/resources_mo.gif", , ,"2", , , ],
["","support.htm", "data.files/support.gif", "data.files/support_mo.gif", , "_self","4", , , ],
["","", "data.files/company.gif", "data.files/company_mo.gif", , , , , , ],];
Q: When using the tab menu css the third item in the second tab seems to have a mind of its own.а will not take the attributes of all other tabs.
Have tried to force it to comply be creating an individual style just for that button...but that doesn't work either.
have spent (wasted) much time trying to get this to work.а What is the problem?ааа Very frustrated.
A: This tab differs from other tabs because it is selected tab. You'veset:
var bselectedSmItem=10;
You can try to set it in the following way:
var bselectedSmItem=0;
Q: It works great in IE, but doesn't work in Firefox.
A: Please, try to specify units in "px".
For example:
var itemPadding = "3px";
Try that.