Drag Drop Frameset Treeview Php by Deluxe-Tree.com
Drag Drop Frameset Treeview Php

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Drag Drop Frameset Treeview Php Array Tree Navigation

Features Drag Drop Frameset Treeview Php

High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
Tree Examples Drag Drop Frameset Treeview Php
Cost Effective
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your drag drop frameset treeview php menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing
Seamless Integration
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
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Javascript Tree Menu. Expandable Menu.

  • You can create 3-state icons for each item: normal state, mouseover state, expanded state.
  • Use images for icons, backgrounds of submenus and items.
  • You can use with any amount of menu and submenus on one page.
  • Insert any HTML code inside the menu item - be it a form or a picture, a flash-object or a text. This ability allows you to create various menus of any complexity.

Recent Questions Drag Drop Frameset Treeview Php

Q: I made my own multi-users Content Management System and I'm using deluxe menu developer license to create my menu into this application.

One dhtml menu vertical constantly need to be reload to see new page created/modified or deleted by other logged users. So I just take out your code for Ajax sample to fill dynamically this submenu.

There is my .js file fort my menu : mnu_admin.zip (You'll need to extract the .js file)

In this file I'm using the same way it goe's into your example with Ajax on line : [172] ["Contenu pages","", "", "", "Gйrer les pages du site", "", "0", "0", "modules/menu/data-ajax3.js", ],

There is my : data-ajax3.js (periodically change)

  var menuItems = [

 ["|Services", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=HMglcKWvAQklxw4uM3qHWa9pFhY432dZNIXOIlYNJO4%3D", "", "", "Services", "", "", "", ""],
 ["|Documentation", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=iG31PyfJ%2BswDBJPcn61IXgczwXkePaDclD6DPsxAUKE%3D", "", "", "Documentation", "", "", "", ""],
 ["|Soutien financier","contenu_pages_a.php?id=tIACTxYwfsey%2FBGr0ROjAXGggU3LdglWtxMTyTVINtU%3D","", "", "Soutien financier", "", "", "", ""],
 ["|Programmes","contenu_pages_a.php?id=A7v%2BWOmpw4syUqHRcPizZjUwh9TzxyuYm5f1yi7EiGM%3D","", "", "Programmes", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||ARLPHAT","contenu_pages_a.php?id=SGe4LNdC8O%2BG5eDd1fgkfkK3lKE80KZL0Pi8o3zGo3Y%3D","", "", "ARLPHAT", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||Association des scouts","contenu_pages_a.php?id=nZVnC9wzyyojxSJI7Lfe7FpTceVEbsdlHy9vURCyULk%3D", "","", "Association des scouts", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||Secondaire en spectacle","contenu_pages_a.php?id=io2hWjkLPlP%2Fcum%2FzIVoV%2FrWYskolQgvLKpc%2FJc%2FRBo%3D", "", "", "Secondaire en spectacle", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||Sport йtudiant","contenu_pages_a.php?id=0fY3UenTH2Rri4AD72RKj7qz8EuwBxG3K0IaXLTqyjM%3D", "","", "Sport йtudiant", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||Jeux du Quйbec","contenu_pages_a.php?id=lZL5TyT9RFsRE2kzAPJisP4ZAAwcfiHG3JTKS6Ey9%2BE%3D","", "", "Jeux du Quйbec", "", "", "", ""],

Another user just delete differents pages so the data_ajax3.js change to this (example) :

  var menuItems = [
 ["|Services","contenu_pages_a.php?id=HMglcKWvAQklxw4uM3qHWa9pFhY432dZNIXOIlYNJO4%3D", "","", "Services", "", "", "", ""],
 ["|Documentation", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=iG31PyfJ%2BswDBJPcn61IXgczwXkePaDclD6DPsxAUKE%3D", "", "", "Documentation", "", "", "", ""],
 ["|Soutien financier", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=tIACTxYwfsey%2FBGr0ROjAXGggU3LdglWtxMTyTVINtU%3D", "", "", "Soutien financier", "", "", "", ""],
 ["|Programmes", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=A7v%2BWOmpw4syUqHRcPizZjUwh9TzxyuYm5f1yi7EiGM%3D", "", "", "Programmes", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||ARLPHAT", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=SGe4LNdC8O%2BG5eDd1fgkfkK3lKE80KZL0Pi8o3zGo3Y%3D", "", "", "ARLPHAT", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||Association des scouts", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=nZVnC9wzyyojxSJI7Lfe7FpTceVEbsdlHy9vURCyULk%3D", "", "", "Association des scouts", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||Secondaire en spectacle", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=io2hWjkLPlP%2Fcum%2FzIVoV%2FrWYskolQgvLKpc%2FJc%2FRBo%3D", "", "", "Secondaire en spectacle", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||Sport йtudiant", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=0fY3UenTH2Rri4AD72RKj7qz8EuwBxG3K0IaXLTqyjM%3D", "", "", "Sport йtudiant", "", "", "", ""],
   ["||Jeux du Quйbec", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=lZL5TyT9RFsRE2kzAPJisP4ZAAwcfiHG3JTKS6Ey9%2BE%3D", "", "", "Jeux du Quйbec", "", "", "", ""],
Trouble :

When I go over "Contenu pages" menu, the submenu won't reload and still show me the new submenu with upper content (With "Qui sommes-nous"). I need to completely refresh the page and sometime to delete browser CACHE.

What I want to do :

I want to get submenu completely reload everytime I pass over "Contenu pages" dhtml menu vertical with the mouse.

Tested Browser :
IE6 and FF3

A: Try to set the following parameter to reload submenus on recall:

  var ajaxReload=1;

Q: I am still struggling with multiple menus on one page.
It is probably something I am doing wrong, but I cannot see it.

A: Now you have:

  var absolutePos=1;
  var posX="10";
  var posY="10";

So, both of your menus have the same absolute position.

You can use relative position and place your menu inside <table>. In this case you should write so:

  var absolutePos=0;

Q: Is there an option for word wrap or do I have to create my javascript menu button if I want to have a 2-line menu item?

A: To wrap your text you can use the following javascript menu button parameter:

  var tnoWrap=0;

you can also use standard <br> tags.

 ["|Home aaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa<br>aaa aaaaaaaaaaa","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "", "", "", ],

Q: I am trying to get my submenu to be all black along with the main menu item that I am hovering over.
But I cannot do it.

A: Now you have

 ["|About Us","About_Us", , , ,"Tip Text" , , , ,"0"],

it is not right. You should write

 ["|About Us","About_Us", , ,"Tip Text", , ,"0",],