Recent Questions Dtree Button
Q: I have bought this from you. What is the name of the divlayer(s)? Here's a bit of the modified menu code:
["|<iframe height=400 width=435 frameborder=0 scrolling=no src=my_bookmarks.asp></iframe>","","","","0",,,],
I open an Iframe inside the javascript menu design item, and it works fine, but is there a way to close it? I know the commands for hide layers, but I can't find any div layer names to use.
A: I'm not sure I understand you.
Do you want to hide your items?
You can try to use API functions
function dm_ext_changeItemVisibility (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, visibility)
Find more info here:
Q: Go to the "products", then to "Furnaces" or "Humidifiers". Seethe sub menu js items ending with "0"? See how they seem to be cut off on the very far right edge?
A: This is a feature of Firefox 3.0.3.
You'll have such effect if you'll use Trebuchet MS font andtransparency for submenus.
Try to use another font, or set
var transparency="100";Q: Using data-visa-5.js
Trying to get the menu to start collapsed rather than fully expanded.
Thought it was the var texpanded=0 setting but doesn't seem to have any effect.
A: See, when you set + sign before item's text that is mean that thisitem will be expanded.
Now you have:
["+ Home","index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
["+ Current Weather","","","","Current Weather","","","1",""],
["|Hourly Forecast","index.php?forecast=avnmos&zipcode=55744&oc=mosview_option|forecast","","","Hourly Forecast",,,],
["|Special Weather Alerts","index.php?config=&forecast=special&zipcode=55744","","","Special Weather Alerts",,,],
["|Live Weather","javascript:open('../../wxflash/index.htm','_blank')","","","Live Weather",,,],
["+ WeatherForum","/forum/index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
["+ Weather Cams","","","","Weather Cams","","","1",""],
["|RapidsCam East","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/eastcam.asp',335,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,'cameast');","","","RapidsCam East",,,],
["|RapidsCam West","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/westcam.asp',367,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,'camwest');","","","RapidsCam West",,,],
["+ Weather Maps","","","","Weather Maps","","","1",""],
Delete + signs from your items:
[" Home","index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
[" Current Weather","","","","Current Weather","","","1",""],
["|Hourly Forecast","index.php?forecast=avnmos&zipcode=55744&oc=mosview_option|forecast","","","Hourly Forecast",,,],
["|Special Weather Alerts","index.php?config=&forecast=special&zipcode=55744","","","Special Weather Alerts",,,],
["|Live Weather","javascript:open('../../wxflash/index.htm','_blank')","","","Live Weather",,,],
[" WeatherForum","/forum/index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
[" Weather Cams","","","","Weather Cams","","","1",""],
["|RapidsCam East","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/eastcam.asp',335,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,'cameast');","","","RapidsCam East",,,],
["|RapidsCam West","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/westcam.asp',367,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,'camwest');","","","RapidsCam West",,,],
[" Weather Maps","","","","Weather Maps","","","1",""],
Q: Can I move the submenu 5px to the right so it doesn’t stick to the main tree javascript hierarchical menu (Please try to separate them without a color).
A: You should set the following parameter:
var topDX=5;