Recent Questions Rails 3 Tree Menu
Q: I am a web developer and evaluating your product using the Trial Version. I created navigation bar using your application (see attached files). Simple drop menu appears to be displaying OK (centered) when using Internet Explorer 7.0, but I can't move it below the header. Also when I access the same sample page using FireFox Browser, the Navigation Bar aligns on the Top-left. Ideally, the navigation bar shall be displaying below the header and centered.
Can you help please?
A: You are using absolute position for the menu now. You should userelative position if you want to center your menu. Set the followingparameter:
var absolutePos=0;
Q: I need a way to change tabs with buttons AFTER THE PAGE IS RENDERED. This means bselecteditem is useless to me at this point.
I want to have a button called NEXT on TAB 1, and when you press that button, it switches you to TAB 2. Likewise on TAB 2 I want to have a button called NEXT that when pressed will switch you to TAB 3.
I don't want to have to post back to the server to make this work, I want a way of Javascript to change the tab indexes.
How can I do this?
A: Try to use the following function:
menuN - menu ID, starts with 0
itemN - item ID, starts with 0
Q: How can I change item width in the Vista templates in the drop down menu generator?
A: The width of vista images is 92px. If the width of your menu itemis wider than 92px you should correct the width of the images in anygraph editor, for example in Photoshop.
Q: I downloaded the tuner and am testing the file prior to purchasing. Is there a way to set up categories and beneath those categories there are subitems...then depending on what page I am on in the website, the appropriate category and subitems automatically show up in the javascript tree view menu?
If so, can you please tell me where and how to setup a menu if it's just changing a variable. Maybe you have an example of the web?
Here's an example of what we are needing. If you open your website there are 2 sep. menus, one at the top and one on the side.
If I click Samples on the top menu, the samples submenu should automatically expand on the javascript tree view menu. How would I set this up?
A: See how you should highlight and expand the selected items here:
I'm sending you the example.