Recent Questions Treenode Cssclass Control Adapter
Q: I'm trying to implement your javascript menu source on a clients' web site.
If you go to my website you'll see my problem. I can't get javascript menu source to centre in the table I want it to - which is just below the header flash in between the two yellow lines.
Could you let me know what to do - then I can show it to my client and order it!
A: Now you're using absolute position for javascript menu source:
var absolutePos=1;
You should use relative position:
var absolutePos=0;
Q: I have downloaded the trial version of the tree menu to use it to create our products list that will be distributed on a CD. We have decided to buy it but we are confused which license we should buy!
Which license we should buy?
A: To use Javascript/DHTML Tree on CD/DVD you should buy developer license.
Other licenses allow you to use the menu on Internet / Intranetwebsites only.
With the Developer license you can use the menu on an unlimited number ofInternet or Intranet sites and on the local machines.
This version of the script doesn't check keys and it isn't bound to adomain name, so it can be used with an application that doesn't have afixed domain name. There is also no need to add <noscript> tag to eachpage.
See in Single Website License, Multiple Website License and DeveloperLicense our source code is obfuscated.
And in Developer License with Javascript Source Code you can see thecode and change it. This is unique difference between Developerlicense and Developer license with source code.
Q: My question is regarding the single user license. I am currently writing a website for use on my companies intranet. The machine I am writing it on will unlikely be the machine that it eventually lives on, which could also quite possibly change as well. Looking at the instructions for the license, it seems I require a domain name for the key. The problem is that the current machine I am using is not in DNS, & even if it were, the machine that it will eventually live on will not resolve to the same name (if it even will have a DNS entry in our internal DNS server). So, does the license look for the name that is specified from the client browser, or does it look internally on the web server itself? I am wondering if I set the web servers hosts file or httpd.conf to reference the name given in the license key taht will allow me to transfer the menu to another server?
A: You can register the menu for a domain name or for IP address.
In other words, you should register the menu for the domain name thatyou print in a browser's search string, for example:
Q: There is a portion of my site that is set to produce frames and I was wondering if there is more information about setting links in a javascript collapsable menu to selected frame pages?
A: You can specify target parameter for each item in javascript collapsable menu individually.
For example you can specify the name of the frame in the menuItems where you would liketo open your link:
["|Home","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "frame", "", "", "", ],