Recent Questions Js Tree Mysql
Q: Hi, I purchased your deluxe-menu product and it's working great, the only problem I'm having is the tree menu in javascript is always fully expanded when a new customer enters the site. I've looked through your support blog but I can't find a reason for it.
A: Check that parameter:
var texpanded = 0;
It expands all items by default.
Q: Pls help me with another question.
I have an horizontal menu in which the submenus drop down (as in example # 1 you have in your web).
For the first level items (which are horizontal), I do not want item spacing or itemPadding, that is:
var itemSpacing=0;
var itemPadding=0;
However, for the second and third level menu items, that drop down, I do need spacing and padding, like this:
var itemSpacing=1;
var itemPadding=1;
How can achieve this if, we have only one set of parameters??
Thank you very much and best regards
A: You should use Individual Styles.
You should set the following parameters:
var itemSpacing = 0;
var itemPadding = 0;
and create individual style for submenus
var menuStyles = [
["menuBackImage=images/subm_back.gif","itemSpacing=1","itemPadding=1"], // add Spacing and Padding to the style which is used for the third level menu items.
["itemSpacing=1","itemPadding=1"], //style 2
You should assign this style for the second and third level menu items
["DHTML Menus","", "images/icon1.gif", "images/icon1o.gif", , , , , , , , ],
["|The JavaScript Tree Menu","",
"images/icon2.gif", "images/icon2o.gif", , , , "2", , , , ], // assign Style 2
["||Features","", "images/icon3.gif", , , , "0", "0", , , , ], // assign Style 0
["|||First Column","", , , , , "0", "1", , , , ],
["|||Second Column","", , , , , "0", , , , , ],
["||Cross-frame Mode","", "images/icon5.gif", "images/icon5o.gif", , , "1", , , , , ],
["||Easy Installation","", "images/icon5.gif", "images/icon5o.gif", , , "1", , , , , ],
["|The Javascript/DHTML Tree","", "images/icon2.gif", "images/icon2o.gif", , , , , , , , ],
Q: I have to pass dynamic value from the link when the user click the mouseover menu.
A: Actually you can use your own Javascript code instead standard links. For example:
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
var menuitems = [
["<div onClick='your_code_here'>item text</div>", ""]
Q: Can I change some of the properties of a browser popup window after it has been created/opened?
A: You can use function to open your popup:
function"winID", "content", "header", "param", "skin", "contentType")
Find more info:
Call this function once again with new parameters when you want to reload the window (usethe same winID).