Recent Questions Expand Tree Javascript Slowly
Q: What an incredible menu!! I have never seen anything like it.Would it be possible to create a version of the dhtml menu that displays items one level down from the top menu in a 6x4 cell layout (effectively a rectangle) rather than vertically? If so, how much would the customization cost?
A: Yes, you can place the menu to the any part of your html code.Please contact support (at) for the customization rates.
Q: Very interested by your product.I want to know, before buy, if I can call javascript function when the user click on a items in the horizontal drop down menu?
A: You're able to use Javascript for each item, for example:
var menuitems = [
["item text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
Unfortunately, you can't assign onmouseover/onClick event to each item.
However, you can achieve this by using standard html objects within items, for example:
var menuitems = [
["<div onClick='your_code_here'>item text</div>", "index.html"]
Q: Is there any way to call a javascript function on mouseover from a menu item?
A: You can use your own javascript functions in the menu items.
You should paste "javascript:some_function()" into item's link field, for example:
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_function(...)", ...]
var menuItems = [
["item text", "javascript:alert('Hello World')", , , , ,]
Unfortunately, you can't assign onmouseover/onClick event to each item. However, you can achieve this by using standard html objects within items, for example:
var menuitems = [
["<div onMouseover='your_code_here'>item text</div>", "index.html"]
Q: Could you please tel me : How to use UN-Code on the item. I make some menu based on Farsi language ( Arabic) , but it does not work.
A: You're able to use any characters for JavaScript Tree Menu in the same way asyou use them for standard html page.
The only issue is that submenus can be shown in incorrect positionwhen you're using dir=rtl for your page.
var dmRTL = 0;
Set this parameter to 1 if you're using right-to-left direction of html page <HTML dir=rtl>.
Use also
var smViewType = 2;
for right-to-left languages.
Please, see example:
This examples demonstrates how the menu can change a submenusdirection. Use var smViewType parameter to change a submenusdirection:
var smViewType = 0..3;
0 - from left to right;
1 - from left to right + upwards;
2 - from right to left;
3 - from right to left + upwards;
In JavaScript Tree Menu when you call data .js file you can try to specify the encoding:
<script src="data.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Unfortunately, you can't use arabic characters in Deluxe Tuner application.
You should manually correct your code.