Javascript Tree State Visible by
Javascript Tree State Visible

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Menu Screenshots Javascript Tree State Visible

Javascript Tree State Visible Tree Frames Examples Of Frames

Features Javascript Tree State Visible

Professional Look-n-feel
  • Entirely customizable look-n-feel
  • A lot of pre-designed javascript tree state visible samples
  • Hundreds of visual effects
  • Custom CSS styles can be applied for all menu settings
High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
Drag And Tree Toolbar Javascript Tree State Visible
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your javascript tree state visible menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing
Cost Effective
Seamless Integration
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
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Javascript Tree Menu. Expandable Menu.

  • There is no need to write additional code on a server side to remember what items were expanded/collapsed. Javascript/DHTML Tree can save items state automatically!
  • When the submenu is bigger than the visible page area, you can use the scollbar for submenus to scroll your menu!

Recent Questions Javascript Tree State Visible

Q: Deluxe menu v. 2 (the most recent version) -- I've triedeverything but cannot get the separator images (vertical orhorizontal) to appear. My other images appear fine, and I know theimages are where I've called them. I've tried root relative anddocument relative paths, and even set the advanced image prefixvariable, but they never appear. Can you spot what's wrong?

A related question: what I'm trying to do is to simply have a 1pxseparator between my main items (vertical) and between my sub-items(horizontal). Short of building a css mode menu, is this possibleusing your script -- if I set border=1 without any spacing, then thetwo borders between adjoining items come together and I get whatappears to be a 2px border separator. Is it possible to set margin-right=1, margin-bottom=1? This doesn't seem possible through thetuner: it appears to be border on all four sides or nothing.

A: You should see the following parameters:

//------- Separators -------
  var separatorImage=""; //--- file exists in this location
  var separatorWidth="5";
  var separatorHeight="100%";
  var separatorAlignment="right";
  var separatorVImage="/assets/images/public/separator.gif";
  var separatorVWidth="3";
  var separatorVHeight="100%";
  var separatorPadding="";

You should set a separator in the menuItems, for example:

  var menuItems = [
["Home","index.cfm", , , , , , , , ],
["About Us","about.cfm", , , , , , , , ],


Q: When I click into a field and the calendar pops up that it doesn't pick up the date/time values.

I can display time in 12 or 24 hour format - however for the selection it only allows 24 hour format. My boss is yelling at me that it has to be in 12 hour selectable format.

A: > when I click into a field and the calendar pops up that it doesn't
> pick up the date/time values.
But you haven't specified hour in the date format. Now you have
%L %d, %Y, %l: %M %p
month day year abbreviated month name minute either `am' or `pm'
So, you have: January 29, 2009, Jan:54 am
See more info about conversion specifiers here:

> 2) I can display time in 12 or 24 hour format - however for the selection it
> only allows 24 hour format. My boss is yelling at me that it has to be in 12
> hour selectable format.

Try to specify date format in the following way:
%L %d, %Y, %l, %I:%M %p
So, you'll have: January 14, 2009, Jan, 03:50 pm

Q: What I meant was that there is an API function dm_ext_changeItem that allows you to specify 8 dropdown menu parameters in an array. What if I only want to change one of them like the link for example? What do I specify in my function call to leave the other 7 parameters unchanged? Do I specify the existing values? Or, can I just put in a comma with no parameter? That would be a lot easier. Thank you.

A: You should specify only dropdown menu parameters you want to change.

You should just put a commas with no parameters, for example:

dm_ext_changeItem(0, 0, 1, ["JavaScript Tree Menu Info", "", "", "", "JavaScript Tree Menu Hint",,"1"]);

Q: Why is the submenu a different colour has a different colour than menu items - surely that's not an IE specific feature? The top-level menu items seem to be a different size too, so the layout in IE looks more even.

A: Submenus has a different color because they have a transparency:

  var transparency="90";

Set it to 100.

Submenus also have larger width than top items because they containsmore text. If you want to wrap the text, use
tag between item words.