Recent Questions Treelist Devexpress On Javascript
Q: We are using the javascript drop down menu code to create an external link. The absolute path is recognised but it does not work. At the bottom of the page the browser displays an "error on page" message and nothing happens.
A: Now you have
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "wdmenu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="wdmenu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath="wdtabs.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="wdtabs.files/wdtabs.js"></script>
The second call for dmWorkPath is incorrect. Delete it. So you'llhave:
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "wdmenu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="wdmenu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="wdtabs.files/wdtabs.js"></script>
Your menu will work correctly.
Q: We're looking to purchase the developer's license for the Deluxe menu/Tuner program and are not sure which to get. It shows one that doesn't contain the dhtml scripts source code and one that does. What is the importance of having the javascript source code? Will the program not work correctly if you don't have it?
A: See in Single Website License, Multiple Website License and DeveloperLicense our source code is obfuscated.
And in Developer License with Javascript Source Code you can see thecode and change it.
But we DO NOT provide technical support for modified source code.
Q: Can I use my own images as the tabs in a dreamweaver navigation bar?
A: The Drop down menu items have the following structure:
var menuItems = [
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, tip, target, itemStyleInd, submenuStyleInd, jsFilename],
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, tip, target, itemStyleInd, submenuStyleInd, jsFilename],
Where iconNormal, iconOver - Icons of an item: icon in normal state, icon in mouseover state.
So you can set your menu items in a such way:
var menuItems = [
["","testlink.htm", "icon1.gif", "icon1o.gif"],
["","", "icon2.gif", "icon2o.gif"],
["|","testlink.htm", "icon3.gif", "icon3o.gif"],
["|","testlink.htm", "icon4.gif", "icon4o.gif"],
["|","testlink.htm", "icon5.gif", "icon5o.gif"],
["","testlink.htm", "icon1.gif", "icon1o.gif"],
Q: Using data-visa-5.js
Trying to get the menu to start collapsed rather than fully expanded.
Thought it was the var texpanded=0 setting but doesn't seem to have any effect.
A: See, when you set + sign before item's text that is mean that thisitem will be expanded.
Now you have:
["+ Home","index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
["+ Current Weather","","","","Current Weather","","","1",""],
["|Hourly Forecast","index.php?forecast=avnmos&zipcode=55744&oc=mosview_option|forecast","","","Hourly Forecast",,,],
["|Special Weather Alerts","index.php?config=&forecast=special&zipcode=55744","","","Special Weather Alerts",,,],
["|Live Weather","javascript:open('../../wxflash/index.htm','_blank')","","","Live Weather",,,],
["+ WeatherForum","/forum/index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
["+ Weather Cams","","","","Weather Cams","","","1",""],
["|RapidsCam East","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/eastcam.asp',335,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,'cameast');","","","RapidsCam East",,,],
["|RapidsCam West","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/westcam.asp',367,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,'camwest');","","","RapidsCam West",,,],
["+ Weather Maps","","","","Weather Maps","","","1",""],
Delete + signs from your items:
[" Home","index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
[" Current Weather","","","","Current Weather","","","1",""],
["|Hourly Forecast","index.php?forecast=avnmos&zipcode=55744&oc=mosview_option|forecast","","","Hourly Forecast",,,],
["|Special Weather Alerts","index.php?config=&forecast=special&zipcode=55744","","","Special Weather Alerts",,,],
["|Live Weather","javascript:open('../../wxflash/index.htm','_blank')","","","Live Weather",,,],
[" WeatherForum","/forum/index.php","","","Home","","","1",""],
[" Weather Cams","","","","Weather Cams","","","1",""],
["|RapidsCam East","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/eastcam.asp',335,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,'cameast');","","","RapidsCam East",,,],
["|RapidsCam West","javascript:open_win('../../webcam/westcam.asp',367,270,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,'camwest');","","","RapidsCam West",,,],
[" Weather Maps","","","","Weather Maps","","","1",""],