Recent Questions Html Frameset Treeview Javascript Aspx
Q: I activated option "state saving" but I think there's a problem;
when I open the website and click on an item of the menu, the pressed item becomes red
(up to now it's ok), but if I have topress F5 on the keyboard or press on the refresh button
to refresh the web page, the pressed item loses its color red.
I'd like the pressed item in the dhtml expand menu to maintain its color after the refresh command.
How can I solve this problem?
A: Tree Menu doesn't save a presseditem as it saves a tree state.
It works within 1 page only and if youreload the page you should set a pressed item using Javascript API:
function apyt_ext_setPressedItem(menuInd, itemID)
<script type="text/javascript">
var i = 4 //index of the selected item
function setPressed()
dtreet_ext_setPressedItem(0,dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex(0, i));
Q: I have been playing around with the demo version 2.4 of deluxe tabs, and have a couple of questions & comments:
Deluxe Tabs appears to not work at all on Windows Vista machines running Internet Explorer. This includes for example that the content in the dhtml tabs simply does not appear. Is there a fix for this?
Just want to make sure I can resolve these issues before making a purchase.
A: Try to use the latest version of Deluxe Tabs v3.2.9.
Try to delete height: 0%; parameter from the styles:
<div id="content1" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
So you'll have:
<div id="content1" style="visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
Q: Please identify the parameter I need to set to produce ... Tree menu items start out as normal text , then Bold text for tree menu items on the onmouseover event . After mouse out, text returns to normal.
A: Unfortunately, Javascript/DHTML Tree doesn't have such a feature. You should addthe following code in your data file:
function changeFont(obj, over)
{ = over ? 'bold' : 'normal'; = over ? '13px' : '12px'; // You can not use this line
var tmenuItems = [
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Security</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Ease of Access</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["|<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Internet Options</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["|<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Windows Firewall</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>Network and Internet</div>","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Please, notice also that you should add this function every time whenyou change your menu in Deluxe Tuner application, as Tuner deletesthis function.
You can find the example here
Q: I have created a menu for a product tutorial. It consists of about 50 topics, each of which is listed in my menu. I’m wondering if there is a way to gray out the menu link for the open tutorial topic?
A: Unfortunately, JavaScript Tree Menu doesn't have such a feature.
You should write your own code, for example, on PHP.
You can try to use the following function
function disable() {
dm_ext_changeItem(1, 1, 1, ["", "", "", "", "", "_"]);
to disable your items.
The example you can find on our site
Please, see the source code.