Recent Questions Simple Tree Menu Css Code
Q: I'm using the deluxe-menu software on a 2.0 site that utilizes master-pages. On everypage that is in the root directory the javascript for menu loads fine, but if the page is up a directory the main images for the menu don't display.
Have you had any customers with this same problem? If so any help you could offer would be appreciated, thanks!
A: Try to use absolute paths, for example:
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
and in your data file set:
var pathPrefix_img="";
var pathPrefix_link="";Q: I’m setting an after item image as follows (this code was generated by Deluxe Tuner, not by hand/text editor):
var afterItemImage=["designimgs/btn-ico.gif","designimgs/btn-ico-active.gif"];
var afterItemImageW=8;
var afterItemImageH=7;
As you can see, the after item image is not appearing in my access drop down menu – do you have any idea why that would be/how to fix?
A: You should create Individual style and assign it for the top access drop down menu items:
var itemStyles = [
["itemBackImage=designimgs/blank.gif,designimgs/blank.gif", "beforeItemImage=designimgs/blank.gif,designimgs/blank.gif", "afterItemImage=designimgs/btn-ico.gif,designimgs/btn-ico-active.gif", "beforeItemImageW=1","afterItemImageW=8", "beforeItemImageH=1","afterItemImageH=7","itemBorderWidth=0"],
Q: Is there any way can we display sub level menu items on mouse over of first level menu items using tabs (Text Style Javascript Dhtml Tab / Java Script Tab Script Text Style / Javascript Tab Navigation Text Style / Javascript Tabbed Menus XP Style)
A: Unfortunately, you can do it on mouseover with Deluxe Tabs.
But you can create such menu using JavaScript Tree Menu.
Q: I'd like to re order the position of the drop down menu's items (by example) the cities.
E-city etc.....
B-city had to come under A-city, how can we do that?
Thank you
A: I'm not sure I understand where you would like to change the position.In Deluxe Tuner or dynamically on your html page.
To move items in Deluxe Tuner select items you want and use a mouse drag'n'drop method.
See the attached screenshot. Click on the item you want to move.Move your mouse in the correct place (holding left mouse button).Wait till you'll have gray line in the place where you want to insertthe item and release mouse button.
To dynamically change your items you can use the following API function:function dm_ext_changeItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, iParams)
See more info: