Recent Questions Php Generate Dynatree Json
Q: Is there any way through script to call the function that would be called if the user clicked a dhtml tabbed menu?
A: You're able to use Javascript for each item, for example:
var bmenuitems = [
["item text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
Unfortunately, you can't assign onmouseover/onClick event to each item.
However, you can achieve this by using standard html objects within items, for example:
var bmenuitems = [
["<div onClick='your_code_here'>item text</div>", "index.html"]
Q: We really like your deluxe menu product and are interested in making a multiple website license purchase.
In our current production environment, we build sites on a local machine (no domain) and move the files/sites to multiple servers depending on where the domain is being hosted.
Do we have to reconfigure the domain key each time we move deluxe menu related site files from the actual domain server to our local production environment and back again?
A: Notice your key will work on registered domain only. It won't work onlocal machine.
If you want to use the menu on the local production environment youshould buy Developer License.
The Developer license you can use the menu on an unlimited number of Internet or Intranet sites and on the local machines.
This version of the script doesn't check keys and it isn't bound to adomain name.
Q: I am having a lot of trouble trying to get the menu to work properly. I want to make sure that I get it working before I make the licesning purchase.
The menu is to be CSS based but while I have the main menu somewhat in location, none of the settings are correct. Can you help?
A: See, the problem is that the script can't get css properties of the object if they are described in separate .css block (or file).
To get the value you should move .css style into style="POSITION: relative;" attribute.
Please, try to add your
css file -> inline css
Try to write so:
<DIV id=if-navbar style="POSITION: relative;">
Q: Im working on a menu with your program, and am unable to make the javascript sticky menu save the hover states after you move off the navigation item and onto its child nav items.
For example
Example Nav item 1
-Example Sub Nav item 1
-Example Sub Nav item 2
-Example Sub Nav item 3
When I hover on the Example Nav Item 1, the hover state works, but when I move my mouse down (Im using a horizontal javascript sticky menu) to select Example Sub Nav item 1, I want the hover state to stay selected on the "parent" Nav Item. Is this possible? What is the variable you have to change to accomplish this?
A: Yes, it's possible, please use
var saveNavigationPath = 1; The javascript sticky menu keeps items highlighted during menu navigation.
0 - disabled, 1 - enabled (default).