Recent Questions Treeview Navigation With Breadcrumb In Dhtml
Q: I bought the JavaScript Tree Menu system for one website. Javascript select menu works well on all versions of IE that I tried (5,6,7)
However, the background and shadow do not render in Firefox. As a result the menu is not as attractive.
Can you help with this or am I stuck?
A: You should add Individual Item style and assign it for the top javascript select menu items:
var itemStyles = [
["Home","index.shtml", "", "", "First Page", "", "0", "", "", "", "", ],
["Communication","", "", "", "", "", "0", "-1", "", "", "", ],
Filters and transitional effects are features of Internet Explorer5.5+ only.
See more info here:
Q: When using the Deluxe-Tabs, the second tab seems to be the first selected tab when displaying tabs in a page. Is there a way to set the default tab showing on a page load?
A: You should use the following parameter:
var bselectedItem = 3;
Where 3 is the number of your menu item from the var bmenuItemsparameter.
var bmenuItems =
["Mac Tab 1", "content1"],
["Mac Tab 2", "content2"],
["Mac Tab 3", "content3"],
["Mac Tab 4", "content4"], // selected tab
The ID of the item starts with 0.
Try that.
Q: I was adding a title to the page containing the Turner Delux drop down menu and now the the menu is gone and I cannot recover it.
Please tell me in very plan instructions how to load the Mneu on to a blank Front Page web page.
A: See, you should do the following things.
1. Create your menu in Deluxe Tuner.
2. Export the menu into html file "File/Export/To HTML".
3. Copy generated folder with all engine .js files and images
("deluxe-menu.files/" by default) and data-deluxe-menu.js (by default) into the same folder with you index.html page (created inFrontPage).
4. Now you should add several rows of code into your index.html file.
You can do it in FrontPage (open HTML source of the page and edit it)or in any text editor. Open your index.html page and edit it.
Notice that you'll have errors in the Preview. But you won't get errors if you open this page in the browser.
5. Add the following code in the tag:
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath="deluxe-menu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-deluxe-menu.js"></script>
in the place where you want to have the menu.
You can paste it in <table>, <div> tags. For example.
<div align=center>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-deluxe-menu.js"></script>
6. Save your index.html page and open it in any browser.
Q: What window do I go to in the dhtml menu creater to add the hyperlinks target??? I created menus and submenu but I don't know how to add the hyperlinks to them?
A: You should add links and target in Deluxe Tuner in "ItemParameters" window. See the attached example.To set target for all items you should use the following parameter("Common" section): var itemTarget="_self";