Recent Questions Jquery Plugins Treeview Context Menu
Q: Comprehensive Mental Health has a site license to \use JavaScript Tree Menu. We are currentlyrunning version 2.0.
Unless we set the topdy parameter to be -65, our submenus do not appear adjacent to the toplevel menu. Below are our parameters and our menu. What is causing this problem?
A: It is possible that you have some problems with your css.
The problem is that the script can't get css properties of the object if they are described in separate .css block (or file).
In other words, you can't get the value of "position" attribute of the object if the object doesn't have this property within inline style(style="position:absolute"). To get the value you should move .css style into style="" attribute.
Please, try to add your
css file -> inline css, for example:
You should add <DIV id=SiteMenu>
to the
So, you'll have:
<DIV id=SiteMenu style="position:absolute;">
Check that.
Q: I bought the product JavaScript Tree Menu & Tree & Tabs and I need support. How I make to insert a code java in the event on click of the button "Ok", when this button is in tree dhtml menu bar? For example, it sees the figure in annex. The button "ok" it validates login and the password of the user, through the database.
I live in Brazil. Exists some support in Portuguese?
A: No, unfortunately we support in English only.
You are able to paste any html code within items.
For example:
var tmenuItems = [
["<nobr><FORM method=GET action=''><input name='as_q' value='searchthe web' size=15 style='font-size:10'> <INPUT type=hidden name=cof value='LW:144;L:; LH:45;AH:center;GL:0;S:;AWFID:e01cb67b8afe383e;'> </form></nobr>","", "images/icons/search.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",],
You should write your own code within tmenuItem.
Q: It is possible to have context menu work with your tree?
More specifically, when you right click on a tree node, have a context menu appear.
A: Please, try to use this API function:
function apyt_ext_userRightClick(itemID)
More info you can find here:
Q: I made my own multi-users Content Management System and I'm using deluxe menu developer license to create my menu into this application.
One dhtml menu vertical constantly need to be reload to see new page created/modified or deleted by other logged users. So I just take out your code for Ajax sample to fill dynamically this submenu.
There is my .js file fort my menu : (You'll need to extract the .js file)
In this file I'm using the same way it goe's into your example with Ajax on line : [172] ["Contenu pages","", "", "", "Gйrer les pages du site", "", "0", "0", "modules/menu/data-ajax3.js", ],
There is my : data-ajax3.js (periodically change)
var menuItems = [
["|Services", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=HMglcKWvAQklxw4uM3qHWa9pFhY432dZNIXOIlYNJO4%3D", "", "", "Services", "", "", "", ""],
["|Documentation", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=iG31PyfJ%2BswDBJPcn61IXgczwXkePaDclD6DPsxAUKE%3D", "", "", "Documentation", "", "", "", ""],
["|Soutien financier","contenu_pages_a.php?id=tIACTxYwfsey%2FBGr0ROjAXGggU3LdglWtxMTyTVINtU%3D","", "", "Soutien financier", "", "", "", ""],
["|Programmes","contenu_pages_a.php?id=A7v%2BWOmpw4syUqHRcPizZjUwh9TzxyuYm5f1yi7EiGM%3D","", "", "Programmes", "", "", "", ""],
["||ARLPHAT","contenu_pages_a.php?id=SGe4LNdC8O%2BG5eDd1fgkfkK3lKE80KZL0Pi8o3zGo3Y%3D","", "", "ARLPHAT", "", "", "", ""],
["||Association des scouts","contenu_pages_a.php?id=nZVnC9wzyyojxSJI7Lfe7FpTceVEbsdlHy9vURCyULk%3D", "","", "Association des scouts", "", "", "", ""],
["||Secondaire en spectacle","contenu_pages_a.php?id=io2hWjkLPlP%2Fcum%2FzIVoV%2FrWYskolQgvLKpc%2FJc%2FRBo%3D", "", "", "Secondaire en spectacle", "", "", "", ""],
["||Sport йtudiant","contenu_pages_a.php?id=0fY3UenTH2Rri4AD72RKj7qz8EuwBxG3K0IaXLTqyjM%3D", "","", "Sport йtudiant", "", "", "", ""],
["||Jeux du Quйbec","contenu_pages_a.php?id=lZL5TyT9RFsRE2kzAPJisP4ZAAwcfiHG3JTKS6Ey9%2BE%3D","", "", "Jeux du Quйbec", "", "", "", ""],
Another user just delete differents pages so the data_ajax3.js change to this (example) :
var menuItems = [
["|Services","contenu_pages_a.php?id=HMglcKWvAQklxw4uM3qHWa9pFhY432dZNIXOIlYNJO4%3D", "","", "Services", "", "", "", ""],
["|Documentation", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=iG31PyfJ%2BswDBJPcn61IXgczwXkePaDclD6DPsxAUKE%3D", "", "", "Documentation", "", "", "", ""],
["|Soutien financier", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=tIACTxYwfsey%2FBGr0ROjAXGggU3LdglWtxMTyTVINtU%3D", "", "", "Soutien financier", "", "", "", ""],
["|Programmes", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=A7v%2BWOmpw4syUqHRcPizZjUwh9TzxyuYm5f1yi7EiGM%3D", "", "", "Programmes", "", "", "", ""],
["||ARLPHAT", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=SGe4LNdC8O%2BG5eDd1fgkfkK3lKE80KZL0Pi8o3zGo3Y%3D", "", "", "ARLPHAT", "", "", "", ""],
["||Association des scouts", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=nZVnC9wzyyojxSJI7Lfe7FpTceVEbsdlHy9vURCyULk%3D", "", "", "Association des scouts", "", "", "", ""],
["||Secondaire en spectacle", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=io2hWjkLPlP%2Fcum%2FzIVoV%2FrWYskolQgvLKpc%2FJc%2FRBo%3D", "", "", "Secondaire en spectacle", "", "", "", ""],
["||Sport йtudiant", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=0fY3UenTH2Rri4AD72RKj7qz8EuwBxG3K0IaXLTqyjM%3D", "", "", "Sport йtudiant", "", "", "", ""],
["||Jeux du Quйbec", "contenu_pages_a.php?id=lZL5TyT9RFsRE2kzAPJisP4ZAAwcfiHG3JTKS6Ey9%2BE%3D", "", "", "Jeux du Quйbec", "", "", "", ""],
Trouble :
When I go over "Contenu pages" menu, the submenu won't reload and still show me the new submenu with upper content (With "Qui sommes-nous"). I need to completely refresh the page and sometime to delete browser CACHE.
What I want to do :
I want to get submenu completely reload everytime I pass over "Contenu pages" dhtml menu vertical with the mouse.
Tested Browser :
IE6 and FF3
A: Try to set the following parameter to reload submenus on recall:
var ajaxReload=1;