Recent Questions Jquery Treeview Sharepoint
Q: I fixed that problem, but if you look at the website, I have the first 2 links in the javascript sliding menu set to show up in the mainframe but nothing happens. When I open deluxe menu on my computer, it also shows that I have the third link set up to show in the mainframe too but when I upload it to the website, it acts like it's not pointing to any file/url
A: Now you have:
["Home","main.html", "", "", "", "#mainframe", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["County Departments","dept.html", "", "", "", "#mainframe", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Board Members","", "", "", "", "mainfrm", "", "", "", "", "", ],
It is not correct to set target as "#mainframe". You should write"mainframe":
["Home","main.html", "", "", "", "mainframe", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["County Departments","dept.html", "", "", "", "mainframe", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Board Members","", "", "", "", "mainframe", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: How woud I make all the sub-menu’s height and text smaller in the css dhtml menu?
A: You can create Individual Item Style and assign it to each item insubmenu.
For example:
var itemStyles = [
["itemHeight=10px","fontStyle=normal 9px Trebuchet MS, Tahoma"],
and assign it to each item in submenu:
["|Item 7","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["|Item 8","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
you can also use standard <br> tags.
["|Home text<br>text","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "", "", "", ],
Q: I am currently having a look at the use of your drop down menu and was wondering if there was an option to make all of the top menu links the same size?
At current It looks like it is on a percentage increase related to the amount of text, can I change this to a fixed value no matter the text amount?
A: You can use Individual Item Style.
Use that parameter:
var itemWidth=100px
Width of an item (px, % or other units).
For example:
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=150"], // style 0
var menuItems = [
["Home", "index.html", "myicon1.gif", "myicon2.gif", "Home Page Tip", "_self", "0"], // assign style 0
["About", "about.html", "myicon3.gif", "myicon4.gif", "About Us Tip", "_self", "0"], // assign style 0
Q: Why do I get the "Incorrect Copyright" message in Internet Explorer 7. I am using JavaScript Tree Menu version 1.14. Shouldn't this support IE5+, including IE7?
This is what I found in you FAQ about this matter:
Do I really need to buy an upgrade for each new browser release when I don't need any of the new features in JavaScript Tree Menu???
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
JavaScript Tree Menu v1.14 works with "Incorrect Copyright" message in IE7. Youshould upgrade to JavaScript Tree Menu v2.0.
The upgrade is free for existing customers.
You can download licensed package from the same link in your licensemessage.