Recent Questions Saving Menu Tree In File
Q: We have a question and a problem.
This is a link to our website with your menue:
Down the navigation point "FAQґs" is a submenue like darm, diverses, einlagen etc....)
If you click on a link in this submenue a new window open _BLANK!
Is it possible to open the new site in a popup in dhtml drop down menu, like 800 x 600 or something?
A: You should paste the following code inside 'Link' field of menuItems (you can do it inDeluxe Tuner):'','_blank','height=600,width=800, status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');Q: I'm curious to know if this dhtml menu cross frame work with frames. Are there any limitations regarding frames?
I'm thinking of having the tree in a left-hand frame and using it to change two stacking frames to the right. Do you foresee any issues with this plan?
A: JavaScript Tree Menu
There is cross-frame mode in JavaScript Tree Menu, see more info here:
Javascript/DHTML Tree
You can install your Tree Menu in a left-hand frame and load pages inthe another frames. You can set target using the following dhtml menu cross frame parameter:
var titemTarget = "framename";
Please, try the trial version.
Q: Now on IE for Windows, the menus disappear as I roll over them, though not always.
I'd say 90% of the time they fade away as my cursor crosses them.
10% they stay and I can get a good click.
On Safari, they work great.
A: See menu parameters they contain:
var smShowPause=0;
var smHidePause=0;
You should set, for example:
var smShowPause=200;
var smHidePause=1000;
Try that.
Q: Our default directory for the files is menudir
How do we get the software to recognize this default directory when generating the script and support files. The default needs to be added for the icon files etc.
A: You can use additional parameters to make menu paths absolute:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
These parameters allow to make images and links paths absolute.
For example:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
var menuItems = [
["text", "index.html", "icon1.gif", "icon2.gif"],
So, link path will be look so:
Images paths will be look so:
Please, try to use these parameters.