Recent Questions Float Treemenu Javascript
Q: We are unable to get sub-menus to appear on page load or rather simulate a "windows application style menu".
How can we in combination with the java menu api function dm_ext_setPressedItem get the associated sub-menu to display? This function simply sets the item to "pressed" rather than actually showing the sub-menu. Attempts at beginning an item's text value with "+" only works with Javascript/DHTML Tree.
Again, we are trying to use the menu not only as a navigator but also as a visual aid for the user to determine what page they are viewing. For example, when a user clicks on a menu item and that page loads, the menu should display the top-level item pressed, the sub-menu group, and the item pressed.
Furthermore, it would also be useful if we could then "unlock" the pressed items and navigate the menu under normal circumstances.
If there are no existing "quick" functions to accomplish this, could you please point out the function in dmenu.js or another engine file that initiates the display of sub-menus, we could then force the menu to select a top-level item in the onload event thus showing a top-level item pressed along with it's related sub-menu.
A: Unfortunately JavaScript Tree Menu doesn't have such a feature now. It is notpossible to set parent item highlighted, expanded submenu group andhighlighted submenu item.
You can do it using Javascript/DHTML Tree now only.
Q: How do I set just one sub menu link to open in a new window for the css dhtml menu
when the rest is set to _self ?
A: You can set item's target for each item individually:
["Home","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif",
"", "Home Page Tip", "_blank", "", "", "", ],
Q: Hello. I had a question about the vista templates. Is it possible to extend the width on the java menu buttons to get more text in them? I put to much text and the button is repeating itself. Is there a way to extend the width of the button without the repeat?
A: See images in Vista Templates have the fixed width and height (92 x 21).
You can try to use the following parameter to use combinedbackground for your items, for example:
var beforeItemImage = [,]; //left-side image for normal and mouse over state
var itemBackImage = [,]; //background or image for normal and mouse over state
var afterItemImage = [,]; //right-side image for normal and mouse over state
var beforeItemImageW = '';
var afterItemImageW = '';
var beforeItemImageH = '';
var afterItemImageH ='';
But you should create a small images in any Graph Editor, for example:
Q: I am testing your image based vertical menu. I am happy with it and about to buy the muti-site license if you can help me with one problem.
The menu looks different in IE compared to Firefox. In IE it is much smaller.
A: Try to specify units in "px":
var itemPadding="3px";
var itemStyles = [
var menuStyles = [
Try that.