Recent Questions Joomla Extended Menu Csstree Tutorial
Q: I'd like to purchase your deluxe menu, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to align the javascript sub menu to the top of the primary menu in Firefox. It aligns correctly in IE but in Firefox it is dropping by 20 pixels or so below where I want it.
A: This is space to document borders. We've set this space, so that yourjavascript sub menu will not look like the part of browser window. If you wantyou can delete that space.
Open dmenu.js file in any text editor and find the following code:
Change 15 to 0.
Q: When I select something from one of the mouseover menus it takes me to a link on a website,
is it possible to run a javascript instead?
A: Actually you can use your own Javascript code instead standard links and html code inside item text.
For example:
var bmenuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
var bmenuitems = [
["<div onClick='urlSubstitution(\'transco/sheet.asp?stype=1\')'>Table of Contents</div>", ""]
Q: I had to put the site live and had taken out the white border. I've used one of the better elements of your application and put a second data file (data1.js) and a sample page up that recreates the aberrant behavior in IE and the missing border-bottom in Firefox and Opera.
In IE, the entire border of each element has about a 5px white border until you mouseover each element. Then the border-bottom (1px solid white) shows correctly.
In both Firefox and Opera the border doesn't show at all.
A: Try to write so:
var absolutePos=1;
var posX="10";
var posY="400";
var itemStyles = [
["itemBorderWidth=0 0 1px 0","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBorderColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF"],
Q: I'am trying the deluxe menu v3.2.3.6 but I don't Know how to do it in order to get the same as you have in your page, I mind how I have to do to add the content in each javascripts menu tab?
A: You should specify any Object ID name of the DIV.
See, for each item you should assign the ID property of the contentDIV (see data file with your javascripts menu parameters).
["Style Name","contentName", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Style Description","contentDescription", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Style Variations","contentVariations", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Empty","", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", ],
And on your html page you should create DIV's with such ID. You canset background image for these DIV's in styles.
<div id="contentName" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden; background-image: url('img/back.jpg'); background-repeat:repeat-y;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/style01_title.gif" width=140 height=90 alt="Glass Style Tabs"></p>
You should paste your content here!!!!!
<div id="contentDescription" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/style01_title.gif" width=140 height=90 alt="Glass Style Tabs"></p>
You should paste your description here!!!!!