Recent Questions Treemenu In Java Script
Q: I have some problems with Javascript/DHTML Tree.
I have set the var tlevelDX to 5 to decrease the indent for each level of items, but would like to decrease the indent even more. Ican't find the parameter that will set the indent in pixels of thefirst level item.
Also, is there a setting that will put text for a menu item on a second line?
I hope that you can help.
A: You can make the smallest indent this way:
var tlevelDX = 0;
You are not able to have more little indent. This place is reservedfor + buttons.
Try to set this parameter:
var tnoWrap=0;
You can also use <br> tags in the item text, for example:
var tmenuItems = [
["line 1<br>line 2"],
Q: I now wish to dynamically change the drop down menu in html parameters. For this, I have set the following parameters:
// Dynamic Menu
var dynamic=1;
1.Please send me the reference link for the dynamic menu commands available (for javascript).
2.Now AFTER initialization, dm_init();, I wish to change the default var itemTarget="Sub_Main";
How do I do that??
A: You can find more info about API functions here:
Unfortunately it is not possible to change drop down menu in html parameters ( var ...)after menu initialization.
So, there is no way to change
var itemTarget="Sub_Main";
But you can change target for each item individually (targetparameter in menuItems) using dm_ext_changeItem function.
var menuItems = [
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, tip, target, itemStyleInd, submenuStyleInd, jsFilename],
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, tip, target, itemStyleInd, submenuStyleInd, jsFilename],
Q: I am using the dhtml-tabs code. I have 2 tabs that I use for a basic form and an advanced form. The advanced form is on the second tab. When I submit, I get results. When I click the back button, the selected tab is the first one, and not the second. Is there a way to configure the tabs to be persistent or sticky. Such that clicking on the back button will result on being on the second tab, which was the last dynamic drop menu tab before going to a new page?
A: You can try to use the following dynamic drop menu function:
To open your second tab.
Q: I have bought this from you. What is the name of the divlayer(s)? Here's a bit of the modified menu code:
["|<iframe height=400 width=435 frameborder=0 scrolling=no src=my_bookmarks.asp></iframe>","","","","0",,,],
I open an Iframe inside the javascript menu design item, and it works fine, but is there a way to close it? I know the commands for hide layers, but I can't find any div layer names to use.
A: I'm not sure I understand you.
Do you want to hide your items?
You can try to use API functions
function dm_ext_changeItemVisibility (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, visibility)
Find more info here: