Recent Questions Javascript Expandable Tree Menu
Q: I'm trying out the cross-browser (top to bottom) drop down menu and I was wondering if it was possible to have the top bar (the main items) use a background image while the sub-items beneath used a plain background color and no image?
So far I've gotten them to either both use a background image, or both use a background color. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)
A: Actually you can create any menu you like with JavaScript Tree Menu.
You can use Individual Styles to set background image for the items
var itemStyles = [
oryou can use images instead of icons (you should delete item's text).
["","", "deluxe-menu.files/btn_black.gif", "deluxe-menu.files/btn_black_green.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: When I put any new link on my tree view expand it goes as if I am placing as _blank when I have it leading to _self.
A: At the moment you have:
var titemTarget="_blank";
And you haven't specified "_self" parameter to
["||Unilock Fireplace MODS","fireplace_unilock_mods.htm", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
You should set
var titemTarget="_self";
or set "_self" parameter for each item individually:
["||Unilock Fireplace MODS","fireplace_unilock_mods.htm","", "", "", "_self", "", "", "", ],
Q: I have a popup that in one of the submenus has an input field. There is a problem – if the user clicks into the entry field, but moves the mouse outside the java swing menu, the menu can close while the user is still typing. Is there any way to prevent that from happening?
A: You can make submenus to stay visible till you click outside the menu or scroll your page.To enable this feature you should set the following parameter:
var smHidePause=-1;
You can set this parameter to each submenu individually usingIndividual Submenu Styles.
Q: I bought the product JavaScript Tree Menu & Tree & Tabs and I need support. How I make to insert a code java in the event on click of the button "Ok", when this button is in tree dhtml menu bar? For example, it sees the figure in annex. The button "ok" it validates login and the password of the user, through the database.
I live in Brazil. Exists some support in Portuguese?
A: No, unfortunately we support in English only.
You are able to paste any html code within items.
For example:
var tmenuItems = [
["<nobr><FORM method=GET action=''><input name='as_q' value='searchthe web' size=15 style='font-size:10'> <INPUT type=hidden name=cof value='LW:144;L:; LH:45;AH:center;GL:0;S:;AWFID:e01cb67b8afe383e;'> </form></nobr>","", "images/icons/search.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",],
You should write your own code within tmenuItem.