Recent Questions Treeandmenu Icons
Q: Which parameters do I change so that the background of the top level menu names change their background?
A: If you want to change the background of the top level menu items onlyyou should use Individual Item Styles and change them.
For example, you have:
var itemStyles = [
["itemBackColor=#8C63D8,#CBB8ED","itemBorderColor=#8C63D8,#CBB8ED"], //style 0
var menuStyles = [
["menuBackColor=#8C63D8","menuBorderColor=#8C63D8"], //style 0
var menuItems = [
["Text;", "link", "", "", "tip", "target", "0", "0"],
["Text;", "link", "", "", "tip", "target", "0", "0"],
Where "0", "1" - style number in itemStyles.
Please, use Deluxe Tuner application to create and assign individualstyles. You can find Deluxe Tuner in the trial package.
Q: I notice in your examples that your menus are horizontal and then drop down.
Is it possible to configure your javascript menu generator for vertical menus?
A: Yes, it is possible.
You should set the following parameter:
var isHorizontal=0;
Q: I’m wondering if there is a way to keep the roll over on the current page for the script drop down menu.
Pleaselet me know if it is possible and what I should do.
A: You can find more info here:
JavaScript Tree Menu has only two states normal and mouseover.
Try to do the following things:
- delete var pressedItem=1; parameter from your data file
- set correct parameter on each page before you call data file, forexample:
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "menudir/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/data.js"></script>
You can also set a pressed item using Javascript API:
function dm_ext_setPressedItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, recursion)
Sets a current pressed item.
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
itemInd - index of an item, >=0.
recursion = true/false - highlight parent items.
But notice, to use dm_ext_setPressedItem() you should know ID of selected item and subitem.
You can't get this ID after you reload your page. That is why you should write your own code on PHP.
Q: It appears that this product only supports IE (on the PC and Mac). It does not support Safari or Netscape on any platform. Is that correct?
I ask because I like the product and would like to purchase the developer\'s license but our users represent a wide range of platforms and browsers.
A: DHTML products support a major part of modern browsers:
IE 5+
Opera 5+
NS 6+
Also they support MAC browsers: Safari, IE, Firefox.
But DHTML Menu has some problems on this browsers with a submenuspositioning in some cases.
If you can't see Tree Menu in Firefox you should set these parameters:
Try to specify units in "px".
var tmenuWidth = "280px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
You should set this parameter:
var tmenuHeight = "auto";