Recent Questions Dom Tree Viewer
Q: A couple days ago I purchased the multi-website license of JavaScript Tree Menu/Tree/Tabs/Popup Window/Calendar for US$149.00
I am having a very hard time getting the popup window to do just a basic function.
All I want is to have a link that I click on the page and the dhtml menu windows pop up.
As it is, the page automatically opens the popup window on loading.
I'm not a Javascript programmer which is why I purchased your product as it seemed I could pick a couple basic values in the GUI and it would create the script and code for me.
It would be REALLY handy if you had a couple of examples of how to create the following:
- Open the popup window upon the page loading
- Open the popup window when the user clicks a link
- Open the popup window when the user mouses over a link
- Close the popup window when the user mouses out
The help section doesn't even provide a menu item for the popup window.
Finding support for it on your site is difficult and what I can find is better suited for someone with Javascript knowledge.
Is there any way you can provide me the code to do this?
Thanks very much for your time and assistance.
A: We have such example on our website:
> - Open the popup dhtml menu windows upon the page loading
To open the popup window upon the page loading you should set thefollowing parameter:
You can find this parameter in Deluxe Tuner. See example.
> - Open the popup window when the user clicks a link
Create the popup window in Deluxe Tuner and save it as html. UseonClick event for a link.
See how you should write your link:
<a class="sampleLink" title="Click to open sample" href="javascript:;" onclick="'win', '<DIV style=\'PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; COLOR: #d33a3a; PADDING-TOP: 10px; TEXT-ALIGN: center\'><B>Sample content</B></DIV><DIV style=\'font: 13px;text-align: center; color:#666666; \'><EM>This is a simple HTML code for content. Here you may also set link to content page or ID of some element.</EM>', 'Safari Style', 'width=250,height=100,resizable,scrollbars,minimizable,fullscreen,middle,right,fade-effect,opacity=1,floatable=yes', 'windows_safari')"><b>this link</b></a> opens a medium-sized dhtml floating window.
where (see on-click.js file)
'win' - is winID
10px; COLOR: #d33a3a; PADDING-TOP: 10px; TEXT-ALIGN:center\'>
<B>Sample content</B></DIV><DIV style=\'font:
13px;text-align: center; color:#666666; \'><EM>This is a
simple HTML code for content. Here you may also set link to
content page or ID of some element.</EM>' - content of your
popup window
'Safari Style' - window title
'width=250,height=100,resizable,scrollbars,minimizable,fullscreen,middle,right,fade-effect,opacity=1,floatable=yes' - parameters of the popup window'windows_safari' - window skin
You can find more info about function here:
Notice that you shouldn't set openAfter parameter in on-click.jsfile:
> - Open the popup window when the user mouses over a link
> - Close the popup window when the user mouses out
You should create such popup in the same way as in the previous point,but use onMouseOver/onMouseOut events.
<a class="sampleLink" title="Click to open sample" href="javascript:;" onMouseOver="'win', '<DIV style=\'PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; COLOR: #d33a3a; PADDING-TOP: 10px; TEXT-ALIGN: center\'><B>Sample content</B></DIV><DIV style=\'font: 13px;text-align: center; color:#666666; \'><EM>This is a simple HTML code for content. Here you may also set link to content page or ID of some element.</EM>', 'Safari Style', 'width=250,height=100,resizable,scrollbars,minimizable,fullscreen,middle,right,fade-effect,opacity=1,floatable=yes', 'windows_safari')"><b>this link</b></a> opens a medium-sized dhtml floating window.
<a class="sampleLink" title="Click to open sample" href="javascript:;" onMouseOut="'win', '<DIV style=\'PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; COLOR: #d33a3a; PADDING-TOP: 10px; TEXT-ALIGN: center\'><B>Sample content</B></DIV><DIV style=\'font: 13px;text-align: center; color:#666666; \'><EM>This is a simple HTML code for content. Here you may also set link to content page or ID of some element.</EM>', 'Safari Style', 'width=250,height=100,resizable,scrollbars,minimizable,fullscreen,bottom,left,fade-effect,opacity=1,floatable=yes', 'windows_safari')"><b>Open popup window</b></a>
Q: Sub menu is opened on mouseover only.But our requirement is that submenu for horizontal menu should be open onclick of mouse event. Could you please suggest us if we are missing something?
A: Try to use the following parameters:
var showByClick=1;Q: Only with IE7 (IE6 ok, firefox ok): on rollover on javascript submenu, the images don't show properly .. But, at second rollover on the same link, the image shows it correctly...
We use jquery library on the page.
Could you tell us something about?
A: Please try to change dm_writeAll param to
var dm_writeAll=1;
Q: Is it possible for the dhtml navigation to stay within a table for placement (in order to have a centered website content optimized for 1024x768 - and always have the content centered in the browser regardless of larger resolution sizes, etc.)? so the horizontal placement may vary but the vertical placement would remain the same.
I'm sure it is - but have not had success on implementing it.
A: You can place a menu in a TABLE or DIV with aligh="center".