Recent Questions Javascript Treemenu Prototype
Q: Is there a way to center button names because by default they are left justified?
A: Try to set the following parameters:
var itemAlignTop="center"; // text alignment for the top items
var itemAlign="center"; // text alignment for the submenus
Q: Deluxe menu is working fine but could you provide some steps for using the javascript tab menu?
A: You should paste your content in the <div> .. </div> tags.
<div id="content1" style=" visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/logo_DM.gif" width=262 height=56 alt=""></p>
<div id="content2" style="visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/logo_DT.gif" width=262 height=56 alt=""></p>
<div id="content3" style=" visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
<p align=center><img src="img/logo_DTabs.gif" width=254 height=58 alt=""></p>
</div>Q: We are wanting to make this collapsible menu Dynamic by reading from a Microsoft SQL Data base.What is the approach in accomplishing this?
A: You may generate a menu from a database or XML using any server-side script, e.g., PHP, ASP, VB, etc.
However, these scripts don't work inside of Javascript .js files, so, you should move parameters of a menu from a .js file into an html-page, e.g.:
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Tree Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/dtree.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
// and describe parameters of a menu
var parameter1=value1;
var parameter2=value2;
var tmenuItems = [
// here you generate items using server-side scripts (php, asp, vb, etc.)
The example of the menu working with PHP/MYSQL you can find here:
This example is not for Javascript/DHTML Tree menu, but you can create your menu in the same way.
Q: I need to know how to have the background in the main items of the dynamic menu transparent, and then the sub-menus a different translucent color.
A: To set transparent background for the menu you should set:
var menuBackColor="transparent";
var itemBackColor=["transparent","transparent"];
and use Individual Item Styles for your submenus:
var itemStyles = [
["itemBackColor=#8EE8E1,#26BBB0"], //style0
["itemBackColor=#F4B7FB,#E65AF5"], //style1
var menuItems = [
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Product Info","", "default.files/icon1.gif", "default.files/icon1o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Features","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style0
["|Installation","", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "1", "", "", ], //style1
["||Description of Files","testlink.html", "default.files/icon6.gif", "default.files/icon6o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||How To Setup","testlink.html", "default.files/icon6.gif", "default.files/icon6o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Parameters Info","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style0
["|Dynamic Functions","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "1", "", "", ], //style0
["|Supported Browsers","", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style0
["||Windows OS","", "default.files/icon3.gif", "default.files/icon3o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Internet Explorer","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Firefox","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Mozilla","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Netscape","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Opera","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||MAC OS","", "default.files/icon3.gif", "default.files/icon3o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Firefox","", "default.files/icon5.gif", "default.files/icon5o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],