Recent Questions Best Javascript Treemenu
Q: The cascading javascript menu does not spans frames or windows like Applets. Is that correct?
I was not able to make the sample to do it.
A: The DHTML Menu and Java Menu are built on different technologies.Java menus can create submenus that cover frames as a standard Windowssubmenus. DHTML Menu can't do that, because it's controls is htmlobjects, they can't overlap Windows controls. So, cascading javascript menu hascross-frame ability that allows it to show submenus in differentframes. But it can support this mode for the same domain only -- ifyou loaded a page to a subframe from another domain, the submenuscan't be shown in it. It happens because all browsers don't allow todo that for security reasons. Just imagine if you'll able to create aframeset from 2 frames, 1st frame will be with a zero height-width,and you'll load your page into it. Then user will go to another domainand your "invisible" frame will change a content of other pages!
See more info about cross-frame mode here:
Q: Thank you for your reply. I have run the example sent by you. Your dhtml menu example has horizontal menus and it hides all the menus.
But I am using xp vertical menu. In that I have Home,Sales,Customer Support,Reports,Access Control menus.
For Admin login I need all the menus including submenus.
But for employee login i need Home , Sales, Customer Support menus and i need only few sub menus only.
Please help me with this issue.
A: You can try to use API functions in that case:
function dm_ext_changeItemVisibility (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, visibility)
More info:
Q: First I want to thank you for the great support you provided. I have another question about the dynamic javascript tree. Is there a javascript API to fire an user click event so the browser will load proper page accordingly? I looked around the current APIs from your site and could not find one.
A: You can use dtreet_ext_userClick (itemID) function.
See more info:
Actually you can use your own Javascript code instead standard links and html code inside item text. For example:
var tmenuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
var tmenuitems = [
["<div onClick='urlSubstitution(\'transco/sheet.asp?stype=1\')'>Table of Contents</div>", ""]
];Q: Thank you for your prompt replay- the menu now works! However, the multi level dhtml menu takes forever to load up as demonstrated on our website. I was wondering whether there was any possible way of getting it to load up faster.
A: I have noticed no delays in the menu loading.
But your menu is big enough. You can try to us AJAX technology.
Try to set the following parameter also:
var dm_writeAll=1;