Recent Questions Explorer Tree Structured Selection Javascript
Q: I purchased your product yesterday and was quite impressed, but I am having a bit of a problem with my submenuitems.
In the general menu properties there is a "Global" var titemHeight = 22;
My problem is that I would like my upper level of my drop down menu to have one itemheight and my submenuitems to have a smaller height. Is this possible?
A: In the XP Style
var tXPStyle=1;
the item's height for the top items and submenus will be different.
If you want to use
var tXPStyle=0;
you can set ite's height for the submenus:
var titemHeight=16;
And for other items use the blank icon with the height you want to have for the upper level of your menu items.
Q: Could you please help me with coding of the submenu box in your java script dropdown menu?
I hope you can see images I've included in this email.
I want to put a large block of text in the submenu.
Now I can do it like the code shown here and it wraps and works OK.
["Text display","", "", "", "", "", "0", "0", "", ],
["|Text Line 1 Text Line 1Text Line 1Text Line 1<br>text Line 2text Line 2text Line 2text Line 2<br>Text line 3Text line 3Text line 3Text line 3<br>text line 4text line 4text line 4text line 4text line 4", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0"],
The problem is that if I want a large amount of text, the line of code with text in it will be 10 miles long. Please note the line of code above isn't broken in practice. The email wraps it.
Is there any way to break the code into lines instead of one very long line?
For example:
["Text display","", "", "", "", "", "0", "0", "", ],
["|Text Line 1 Text Line 1Text Line 1Text Line 1<br>
Line 2text Line 2text Line 2text Line 2<br>
Text line 3Text line 3Text line 3Text line 3<br>
text line 4text line 4text line 4text line 4text line 4", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0"],
No matter what way I try It won't work
Is there a way?
A: The only way to do that is
["|Text Line 1 Text Line 1Text Line 1Text Line 1<br>"+
"Line 2text Line 2text Line 2text Line 2<br>"+
"Text line 3Text line 3Text line 3Text line 3<br>"+
"text line 4text line 4text line 4text line 4text line 4", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0"],
Q: Can I change the style of javascript tree menu on the fly when I click the style menu items of the tree I made?
A: Theoretically you can do it.
Try to use
function dtreet_ext_userClick(itemID)
// Your Javascript code here
return true;
function and call
function dtreet_ext_changeItem (menuInd, itemID, itemParams)
function in it.
You should create Individual item style for this item and and assignthis style when you click on the item
Q: Is there a javascript function that I can call that will return the ID or the Text value of the currently active tab of the web navigation?
A: Unfortunately there is no such a function now.
There are such variables.
dtabs_tabs[menuN].b1 - dtabs_tabs[menuN].selectedItem
dtabs_tabs[menuN].JT0 - dtabs_tabs[menuN].selectedSmItem
But they contain the index of the selected menu item, not the ID.