Recent Questions Jscript Jstree
Q: I have been working with the trial package for the last couple of days, of which I have been really impressed with. However there have been a couple of things that have frustrated me greatly...
The natural place that I first tried was replacing the "content1" line with a direct URL in the var bmenuItems section but this made no difference at all. I am also trying to work out what each set of "" equate to as I have found a couple of pages on the Internet very similar to this but none of them have nine different sections.
["Home","content1", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
Is it possible to allow one of the tabs on this template to just open another page? I look forward to your response in regards to these questions and hope to hear from you again soon so that I can crack on with this project.
A: You can't assign links in Dhtml Tabs when you're using var tabMode = 0;.
You can assign only the object's ID of <div> on your page.
Try to set var tabMode = 1;
and use links for your items.
Q: I have just come across your page. I need to publish a mass of data on a site where javascript ist turned off. Is dynamic drop down menus able to work in an javascript free environment?
A: No, JavaScript Tree Menu is Javascript menu.
When your security settings doesn't allow Javascript onpages you load you can't see a dynamic page content. So, you cannotsee your javascript menu at all.
Q: Typically in order to generate a menu with multiple layers I’d put a pipe character in front of the menu text.. For example:
["|Page Admin","/admin/handoutadmin.php", , , , "_new", , , , ],
["||Student Pages","/admin/handoutadmin.php?type=1", , , , "_new", , , , ],
["||Teacher Pages","/admin/handoutadmin.php?type=2", , , , "_new", , , , ],
["||Family Letters","/admin/handoutadmin.php?type=4", , , , "_new", , , , ],
["||Transparencies","/admin/handoutadmin.php?type=3", , , , "_new", , , , ],
However, when I try to do it with dm_ext_addItem it actually SHOWS the pipe character and doesn’t create any menu levels at all.
For example:
dm_ext_addItem(0, 0, ["Add a Handout to this Lesson", "", "", "", "", "", ""]);
dm_ext_addItem(0, 0, ["|Student Page","/admin/handoutadmin.php?type=$type", "", "", "", "_new", ""]);
dm_ext_addItem(0, 0, ["|Teacher Page","/admin/handoutadmin.php?type=$type", "", "", "", "_new", ""]);
How can I generate multiple levels of the menu with javascript?
A: I suppose that your code is not valid
dm_ext_addItem(0, 0, ["|Teacher Page", "/admin/handoutadmin.php?type=$type", "", "", "", "_new", ""]);
Try to write it in the following way:
dm_ext_addItem(0, 0, ["|Teacher Page", "/admin/handoutadmin.php?type=", "", "", "", "_new", ""]);
Q: In javascriptcoding.
I have id of the submenu.
How can retrieve id of the parent menu?
A: You can try to use the following function
function dm_ext_getSubmenuParams (menuInd, submenuInd)
Returns submenu parameters in the array:
[submenu_id, items_count, parent_item_id, submenu_level, is_horizontal]
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
Using this function you can retrieve the parent_item_id.
More info see: