Recent Questions Javascript Treeview Calendar
Q: I am using the tree menu script in a frameset, and I would like for the selected menu branch to stay highlighted after the user moves the mouse to another window(where the menu brings up a new page),just so the user knows where he/she is.
Is that possible?
A: But if you open links in the another frame (window) the initial frame with your menu isnot reloaded, so the clicked item will be highlighted.
You should set the following parameters:
var ttoggleMode=1;
var tpressedFontColor="#AAAAAA";
You can also set the following parameter to save menu state:
var tsaveState=1;
var tsavePrefix="menu1";
If you install the menu without frames. On your pages you should call the following function/functions to expand/highlight items, for example:
dtreet_ext_expandItem (dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex (0, 0), 1);
dtreet_ext_setPressedItem (0, dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex (0, 1));
See more info about API functions here:
Example: I have 2 questions about this script I would like to find out before purchasing:
1. Does it support 3rd and 4th level java script navigation menu?
2. How customizable is it style-wise, meaning, I have images I want used for the top level navigation, and background images for the rest. Any way I can achieve this?
A: 1) Yes, you can add as many levels in the java script navigation menu as you want.
2) Actually you can create any java script navigation menu with JavaScript Tree Menu. You can use Individual Styles tocreate your menu. For example:
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=92px","itemHeight=21px","itemBorderWidth=0","fontStyle=normal 11px Tahoma", "fontColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF","itemBackImage=data-vista-03.files/btn_magentablack.gif,data-vista-03.files/btn_magenta.gif"],
var menuStyles = [
["menuBackColor=transparent","menuBackImage=back.gif","menuBorderWidth=0", "itemSpacing=1","itemPadding=0px 5px 0px 5px"],
Please, try the trial version and check menu parameters. Use DeluxeTuner to create your menu.
Q: Can you tell me why these two simple dhtml tabs menus are conflicting and overwriting?
A: Notice, when you have several dhtml tabs menus on the one page you should calldtabs.js file only once.
<script type="text/javascript" src="Top_Center1.files/dtabs.js"></script>
Q: I want javascript navigation menu to lock into place when someone visits a page. Is there a way to do this?
A: Try to set the pressed item using the following API function:
function dm_ext_setPressedItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, recursion, parentOpen)
Sets a current pressed item.
menuInd - index of a dynamic menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
itemInd - index of an item, >=0.
recursion = true/false - highlight parent items.
parentOpen = true/false - open all submenus to show the selected item
See example here:
Try to click 'Highlight "Product Info/Installation/Description ofFiles" item'.
You can also try to use the following parameter:
var smHidePause = 1000;
A delay (in ms) between mouse is moved from submenu and its closing.
You can make submenus to stay visible till you click outside the menu or scroll your page.
To enable this feature you should set this parameter in the following way: var smHidePause = -1;