Recent Questions Javascript Collapse Tree Menu
Q: We are facing a problem with display of deluxe menu in Internet explorer 7.0
Java script menuis displaying fine in Mozilla Firefox & Internet Exploer 6.0.
A: Your browser has JavaScript option disabled.
It means that no one JavaScript element can be run.
You should to enable JavaScript in IE:
Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom level... -> Scripting -> Active Scripting = Enable
There is no way to enable these preferences automatically, in othercase there are no reasons to create security preferences.
You can use search engine friendly code, so you'll see all yourlinks (for the main items and submenus) when your security settings in IE doesn't allow Javascript.
You can generate search engine friendly code.
JavaScript Tree Menu is a search engine friendly menu since v1.12.
To create a search engine friendly menu you should add additional html code within your html page:
<div id="dmlinks">
<a href="menu_link1">menu_item_text1</a>
<a href="menu_link2">menu_item_text2</a>
To generate such a code use Deluxe Tuner application.
You can find this GUI in the trial package.
Run Tuner, load your menu and click Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code (F3).
Q: The only remaining problem I see is that the html popup menu appears in slightly different positions depending upon where your mouse touches the icon.
Is there a way to make the menu position absolute in respect to the icon? I have tried playing with the menu item parameters that seemed related with no success.
A: See dm_popup() function parameters:
return dm_popup(menuInd, pause, event, x, y)
menuInd - index of the menu on a page, >= 0.
pause - determines the time when the html popup menu will be hidden.
event - constant. Do not change.
x, y - optional. Set these parameters if you want the menu to appear in the specified place.
In other case the menu will be shown in the mouse position.
Q: I need a way to change tabs with buttons AFTER THE PAGE IS RENDERED. This means bselecteditem is useless to me at this point.
I want to have a button called NEXT on TAB 1, and when you press that button, it switches you to TAB 2. Likewise on TAB 2 I want to have a button called NEXT that when pressed will switch you to TAB 3.
I don't want to have to post back to the server to make this work, I want a way of Javascript to change the tab indexes.
How can I do this?
A: Try to use the following function:
menuN - menu ID, starts with 0
itemN - item ID, starts with 0
Q: I'm having an issue with horizontal alignment of JavaScript Tree Menu.
The alighment is off to the right in Firefox... How can I correct the alignment of JavaScript Tree Menu in FireFox?
A: Please, see dropdown menu parameters. They contains:
var menuWidth="0";
Please, set exact value for this parameter, for example:
var menuWidth="400px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers.
It helps to position Deluxe menu correctly.