Recent Questions Asp Net Treeview Beautiful
Q: I’m very interested in your script of deluxe-menu.
I tryed your script out and have some questions now:
How do I highlight main menu items when I selected a main category?
How do I highlight submenu items when I selected a sub category?
How can I have a submenu unfoldet when I selected the matching main category?
I would be pleased to have answers to my questions as soon as possible.
Thank you for support!
A: The menu has only two states normal and mouseover. We'll try to add the pressed state in the future.
You can set a pressed item using Javascript API:
function dm_ext_setPressedItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, recursion)
Sets a current pressed item.
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
itemInd - index of an item, >=0.
recursion = true/false - highlight parent items.
But notice, to use dm_ext_setPressedItem() you should know ID of selected item and subitem.
You can't get this ID after you reload your page. That is why you should write your own code on PHP.
Q: I have started using your menu and when testing in both IE-browsers the CPU jumps to 100% for at least 30 to 60sec.
Then the sub menu appears but also not as fast as in Firefox(no effects).
Now does my menu contains about 1476 item-lines, and I use the cross-frame modus.
Any ideas?
A: It is possible that the loading speed can be lower if the menu is very large. But it doesn't take so much time.
Yes, you can notice some delay in IE, but in over browsers it works better.
JavaScript Tree Menu works fast, but 1500 is a large value.
I tried to create large menus on my machine: P4 3GHz, 512RAM WinXP SP2
It takes:
- 1000 items ~ 10 sec
- 2000 items ~ 40 sec
You can try to use AJAX-like technology.
Q: Can I just have the date displayed without the time in the javascript popup calendar
A: You cannot hide time from the calendar templates.
But you can chose the output data format.
See more info:
calendarDatePicker.handlers( ['txt', 'txt', {type : 'date', format: '%d-%m-%Y'}] );
The result will be: 12-02-2009 Q: Can data be loaded dynamically in the free drop down menu? For example, can you load the child of a node once the node is clicked on.
A: You can use AJAX like technology.
You may generate a menu from a database or XML using any server-side script, e.g., PHP, ASP, VB, etc.However, these scripts don't work inside of Javascript .js files, so, you should move parameters of a menu from a .js file into an html-page, e.g.:
<!-- JavaScript Tree Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">Javascript Menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "menudir/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudir/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
// and describe parameters of a menu
var parameter1=value1;
var parameter2=value2;
var menuItems = [
// here you generate items using server-side scripts (php, asp, vb, etc.)
The example of the menu working with PHP/MYSQL you can find here: