Recent Questions Context Menus On Jquery Treeview
Q: Will all your dhtml menu samples work cross-frame?
A: See how should you create cross frame menu:
1. To initialize the cross frame menu call dm_initFrame()
function instead of standard dm_init() function within data.js file:
dm_initFrame(framesetID, mainFrameInd, subFrameInd, orientation);
framesetID - id attribute of the frameset;
mainFrameInd - index of the main frame (where the top-menu is placed), >=0;
subFrameInd - index of the subframe (where the submenus will be shown), >=0;
orientation - frame orientaion: 0 - top-to-bottom, 1 - left-to-right; 2 - bottom-to-top; 3 - right-to-left.
So you should create your menu in Deluxe Tuner, save it.
Create html file with your frame set.
Set ID for the first frameset:
<FRAMESET id=frmSet rows=220,*>
<FRAME id=frame1 src="JavaScript Tree Menu Samples_files/cross-frame-horizontal-1.htm"> //menu frame
<FRAME id=frame2 name=frame2 src="JavaScript Tree Menu Samples_files/testlink.htm"> //content frame
Then you should open your data file in any text editor and change
dm_init(); for example to dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 1, 0);
You'll find more info here: I am struggling with my menu on my site the submenu is under the main text area. How do I make the submenu come to the front.
A: Check your z-index for <DIV id=navigation>.
Try to write it, for example, so:
<DIV id=navigationstyle="Z-INDEX: 10; LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 170px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 5px; HEIGHT: 600px">
Try that.
Q: We purchased your menu about 2 months ago and were curious if your menu has scrollable Sub-Menus or Scrollable Flyouts?
This is when you have a long sub-menu item and the user can click on up or down arrows on the menu fly-out to scroll to the next item.
If you are unclear as to what I am talking please let me know as I have seen this functionality in many popular DHTML Menus
A: Javascript/DHTML Tree doesn't have scrollable submenus. You should scroll yourwindow to see the whole menu.
We have smart scrollable feature in JavaScript Tree Menu
Q: I really want the actual dhtml menu bars to be SE Friendly. Is this possible?
A: You should generate search engine friendly code and install it on yourpage.
JavaScript Tree Menu is a search engine friendly menu since v1.12.
To create a search engine friendly menu you should add additional html code within your html page:
<div id="dmlinks">
<a href="menu_link1">menu_item_text1</a>
<a href="menu_link2">menu_item_text2</a>
To generate such a code use Deluxe Tuner application.
Run Tuner, load your menu and click Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code (F3).
We use such code on our website