Recent Questions Bind Tree View Menu In Javascript
Q: Could I apply these javascript menu buttons to my Microsoft Expression Web page?
A: JavaScript Tree Menu wasn't developed as Dreamweaver/Frontpage/Microsoft Expression Web extension,
BUT you can use it as standard Javascript files.
To install the menuinto your html page:
1. open the page in your program
2. open html source code of the page
3. add several rows of code (<script> tags).
For info see:
That's all.
To create and configure your menus use Deluxe Tuner application(included into the trial package): When I purchse your software/license, does this include any future updates?
I checked your site and FAQ but couldn't see any mention of this.
Any information would be appreciated.
A: All minor upgrades you'll get for free (for example, 1.5->1.7).
All major upgrades you'll get for free during 1 year (for example, 1.7->2.0).
For example, if there's some major upgrades (1.7 -> 2.0 -> 4.0)you'll get them for free during one year.
But if there'll be no major upgrades during some period (1.72 -> 1.81 -> 1.92). And after 3 year, for example, there will be major upgrade to 2.0. So you can upgrade for free.
We can offer you some discount for the major upgrade after one year.
Q: Is there a way to center floatable menus horizontally on a page?
I used to use absolutePos=0, and all of my menus were centered ok, but when I tried floatable=1 I found that I had to change toabsolutePos=1 to get the menu to float, and this messed up my centering. Since I have multiple menus of different widths, I'd rather not have to hard-code the menu width, but please let me know if there's a better way.
A: Notice, when you use floatable menu you can't use relative menu position.
So, if you use
var absolutePos = 0;
and to center the menu you use <p> or <div> with the center alignment your menu won't float.
To center your floatable menu you should set absolute coordinates.
Q: I'm a having an issue with my dhtml dropdown menus poping-up behind a flash object on a page. The key to this issue is that the menus work perfectly in our non-secure (HTTP) development environment, but do not work correctly on our secure (HTTPS) beta environment. The code on the 2 environments is exactly the same, and the beta environment does work when viewed in HTTP. Both the flash object and the Deluxe-Menu are called using relative paths, not absolute paths.
Please let me know what additional information you need from me. I appreciate any help you can provide.
A: Check that you're using latest version of engine files - v3.3.
You should add "opaque" parameter for <object> and <embed> tags.
See, how you should install flash on your pages.
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" height="150"
width="732" name="if-header">
<param name="movie" value="images/flash/if-header.swf">
<param name="quality" value="best">
<param name="play" value="true">
<param name="wmode" value="opaque">
<embed height="150" name="if-header" pluginspage="" src="images/flash/if-header.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="732"
quality="best" wmode="opaque" play="true">