Recent Questions Ajax Iframe Target Treemenu
Q: How can I keep the javascript contextual menu items from opening into a new window when selected?
A: You can set target parameter for all javascript contextual menu items:
var itemTarget="_self";
or for each item individually:
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "_self", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: I was not able to resolve seeing FAQ, is the following one:
If an item of a menu is very large, as "please, select the color you prefer for the background of the image of the photo of your san", as can I put a break line to obtain the item written in two or more lines?, as, for example:
please, select the color you
prefer for the background of
the image of the photo of your son
only an item, anly a link, but three lines in the item.
A: Try to set this parameter:
var noWrap=0;
If it is not suitable for you, try to use <br> tags in the item text, for example:
var menuItems = [
["please, select the color you<br>prefer for the background
of<br>the image of the photo of your son",,,],
Q: I would like to know if there are problems with your menu dynamique javascript and google PR. and the code that will appear on my pages (if i install your menu dynamique javascript).
I previously have installed open cube menus and my pr has been reduced from 6 to 0 and i am still waiting to have it back.
Will your menu have problems?
A: You should generate search engine friendly code and install it on yourpage.
JavaScript Tree Menu is a search engine friendly menu since v1.12.
To create a search engine friendly menu you should add additional html code within your html page:
<div id="dmlinks">
<a href="">menu_item_text1</a>
<a href="">menu_item_text2</a>
To generate such a code use Deluxe Tuner application.
Run Tuner, load your menu and click Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code (F3).
We use search engine friendly code on our websites
and our customers use this code on there sites without any problems.
As you can see Google doesn't penalize them.
Q: Multiple license does that mean I could use drop down javascript menu for 10 sites?
A: With Multiple Website you can use JavaScript Tree Menu on any number ofInternet/Intranet websites.
You generate your own keys using generator account.