Recent Questions Dynamic Treeview Using Jquery C
Q: I changed the parameter from
var dmObjectsCheck=0;
var dmObjectsCheck=1;
in the data.js file
but it didn't change it;
I opened the dmenu_add.js file, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with it?
I went to your sample page and I would like to add the item widths into mydata.js file, but each item is a different width. Would it be correct for meto do this?...
var itemStyles = [
Or will I have to make all the main menu items/graphics the same width?
A: You don't have to change your dmenu_add.js file.
Please, place this file in the folder where your menu iscreated in.
Yes, you can set itemWidth for each main item.
Please, use Deluxe Tuner to create your individual styles.
You should write, for example, so:
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=98px"], // style 0
["itemWidth=100px"], // style 1
["itemWidth=110px"], // style 2
["itemWidth=120px"], // style 3
["itemWidth=95px"], // style 4
var menuItems = [
["","", "data.files/products.gif", "data.files/products_mo.gif", "Products", "_self","0" , , , ],
["","", "data.files/demoCenter.gif", "data.files/demoCenter_mo.gif", , ,"1", , , ],
["","", "data.files/resources.gif", "data.files/resources_mo.gif", , ,"2", , , ],
["","support.htm", "data.files/support.gif", "data.files/support_mo.gif", , "_self","4", , , ],
["","", "data.files/company.gif", "data.files/company_mo.gif", , , , , , ],];
Q: I am unable to see any separators when working with JavaScript Tree Menu. I’ve looked at other templates and don’t see where they are implemented. Am I missing something? Thanks!
A: Please, see the following parameters:
//------- Separators -------
//--- Separators
var separatorImage="";
var separatorWidth="5";
var separatorHeight="100%";
var separatorAlignment="right";
var separatorVImage="images/public/separator.gif";
var separatorVWidth="3";
var separatorVHeight="100%";
var separatorPadding="";
You should set a separator in the menuItems, for example:
var menuItems = [
["Home","index.cfm", , , , , , , , ],
["About Us","about.cfm", , , , , , , , ],
Try that.
Q: I'm using your menu for my customers.
IHtml menu script works really great but since your last updates I'm really missing the parameter smviewtype=3, so I can have a subnavigation going other direction as usual.
Since you had this feature build in I choosed your menu and did a lot of programming, to get it integrated into contenido cms system.
I would be very pleased, if you could help me on this point.
A: You should set the way you show submenus using subMenuAlign and subMenuVAlign parameters.See more info here: Hi - I'm using Deluxe Tuner/Menu version 2.0 and wanted to know if it's possible to set the status bar messages to something other than the link text from the menu items that it currently picks up?
A: You should set parameter:
Text in a browser's status bar when you put a pointer over an item. Values:
"link" - show item link;
"text" - show item text;
"tip" - show item tip.
With another value shows specified value.
Info about this parameter you can find here