Recent Questions Arrow Gif Tree Menu
Q: I have a question regarding deluxe tab implementation.Can you guide me on how to change tab selection dynamically for the tabbed navigation.
A: Deluxe Tabs doesn't support API functions which can return the selected tab.
You can set "bselectedItem" and " var bselectedSmItem" parameters based on your link before you call your data file.
For example, move " var bselectedItem" and " var bselectedSmItem" parameters from your data file to your code.
<TD vAlign=top align=left>
/* Select Tab */
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem= var bselectedSmItem= </script>
<SCRIPT src="data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
You should define seltabs and selsmtabs using server side script.
You can also set it on every page before you call data.js file, for example:
<TD vAlign=top align=left>
/* Select Tab */
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem=4;
var bselectedSmItem=3;
<SCRIPT src="data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
Q: I have been mostly creating my menus by starting with a template file that has the features I need, and then modifying that file by hand (as opposed to using the Tuner program). In this case I am using data-vista-01.js.
When I load my html file that has references to the necessary resources (e.g. .js, gif, etc) in a directory that has the Images folder and Menu folder copied directly from the installed JavaScript Tree Menu program directories, I get what I want.
This is perfect. But I think to myself, surely I don't need all the .js files from the Menu directory, nor do I need all the .gif files from the Images directory, so I started deleting those files one at a time, until I got to the point where Images contained only the Vista1 folder + the empty.gif file, and the Menu folder contained only dmenu.js. My menu now not working.
I'm guessing that some graphic files need to draw the top-level menu bar are missing. But which ones?
So my question is, what files do I really need? Is this something the documentation describes, and if so where?
I hope I don't have to include the full contents of the Menu and Images folder, as they are quite large.
A: Unfortunately, you should add all need images manually.
We'll try to correct it soon.
You can open your data.js file and see what images you're using in themenu and copy tese images into your folder.
You should also change the following parameter:
var pathPrefix_img="";
There is no need to use all engine files for the menu.
Description of files you can find here:
Q: Do you have it in vertical orientation for dropdown menu javascript, please?
A: To create vertical drop down menu you should set the followingparameter:
var isHorizontal=0;
Q: I am afraid I am still having difficulties.
Key issue is fine, no problems there. However, I cannot seem to make this NOT showing me a window open example when the page opens. I just want to have popups upon click. What I want is to be able to create links, within the same page, that will popup windows of different content and size, all upon click (not upon page loading.
What am I doing wrong here?
In the site I have the following:
1. A folder
2. A script
3. and my test page creating the popups
So, in my sample page:
1. I do NOT want to have the 1st popup which loads automatically as the page opens
2. I want to have the 2 samples shown there, Sample 2 and Sample 3.
3. These 2 samples must show windows of different width and height.
Please help me here.
Looking forward to your answer.
A: Delete openAfter= text from the deluxePopupWindow.attachToEvent()function in the following file:
In that case popup window won't show till you click on the link.