Recent Questions Jstree Javascript Example
Q: I am working on a menu for a client. I have most of the functionality in place for this client. I have 2 questions that I have not been able to figure out on this menu.
1. Is there a way to define the border image or color on an item in this simple javascript dropdown menu. I need to be able to add in lines between the items. I have not been able to figure out how to do that.
2. Is there a way to dynamically highlite an item? For instance if you are on the page "Horizon for SAP" as illustrated, I would want that to show differently in the menu.
I have written scripts to dynamically generate this menu based off of a sitemap. I just need to make one item on it look different based on your breadcrumb or where you are in the site.
A: > Is there a way to define the border image or color on an item.
You can't specify the image for border, but the color and width are fully configurable.
> 2. Is there a way to dynamically highlite an item?
Yes, please see
Q: When I load a page the first tab of the creating tab menu is always highlighted, not the contact tab.
A: I suppose that you've set the following parameter:
var bselectedItem=1;
So, the first tab is always highlighted.
This Tab menu can save pressed item automatically within1 page only.
If you open another page, the menu can't remember presseditem.
You should do that manually using Javascript and menu parameters
( var bselectedItem, var bselectedSmItem) or using any server-sidescript (php, asp, etc.)
You should delete this parameter from your data file and write thefollowing code
on each page before you call your data file, for example:
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var bselectedItem = 3;
Q: There seems to be a "glitch" when I use Firefox.
I have rebuilt the page twice but I always end up with themenu floating to the left, instead of under the main menu (the second or third mouseover will correct the issue). Also, sometimes I have to mouseover twice before the submenu comes up (in I.E.).
I have validated...however I wondered if there could be a conflict in the javascripting (yours and mine). Any suggestions?
A: The reason is in your <!DOCTYPE>.
Try to specify units in "px".
var menuWidth="780px";
var menuHeight="27px";
var smWidth="200px";
var smHeight="200px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
You can also try to set the following parameter:
var dm_writeAll=1;
Q: We are testing you menu in our application. It is being used in cross frame mode. It works very nicely except a couple issues.
The main one is after loading a new page in the sub menus window when I go back to the main menu to select another option but on the initial mouse over it takes several seconds for the menu to come up. Once the delay of loading the initial submenu is over it loads all others very quickly until a new page is loaded again. Is there a way to optimize the menu to reduce this load time? I have already set dm_writeAll=0 but that only increased the speed of the initial display of the main menu.
And the other question is does the dmObjectsCheck option work in cross frame mode? I have it set =1 and the submenus still underneath objects (such as select list) which have a higher z order.
A: Try to do the following:
move all <script> calls into <head>, but delete dm_initFrame()function from data .js file -- move them instead of files calls, i.e.:
<script src=data.js>
<div><script>dm_initFrame("frmSet", 1, 2, 1); </script></div>
It this case data will be loaded when <head> will load, but after thatmenus must be shown quickly.
Let me know about results.
JavaScript Tree Menu overlap select objects in cross-frame mode.