Recent Questions Css Tree Menu
Q: Can you please give me an example of how I would return the full path to the selected item of the web site menu?
A: See the following example:
function getFullPath(mInd){
var result='';
// get pressed item
var params = dm_ext_getMenuParams(mInd);
if (!(params[2]>=0)) return '';
function getPathForItem(mInd,smInd,itInd){
// get for this item
var params = dm_ext_getItemParams(mInd,smInd,itInd);
var result = params[2]+ '('+ params[3]+')';
// find root item id
if (smInd <= 0) return result;
params = dm_ext_getSubmenuParams(mInd,smInd);
for ( var smInd_=0;smInd_ for ( var itInd_=0;itInd_ itParam = dm_ext_getItemParams(mInd,smInd_,itInd_);
if (itParam[0]=arams[2])// id
return result + '->' + getPathForItem(mInd,smInd_,itInd_);
return result;
return getPathForItem(mInd,params[1],params[2]);
Q: Is there a javascript function that I can call that will return the ID or the Text value of the currently active tab of the web navigation?
A: Unfortunately there is no such a function now.
There are such variables.
dtabs_tabs[menuN].b1 - dtabs_tabs[menuN].selectedItem
dtabs_tabs[menuN].JT0 - dtabs_tabs[menuN].selectedSmItem
But they contain the index of the selected menu item, not the ID.
Q: I have read your
And really I do not understand this phrase:
- Item ID format has changed. It depends on the parent ID = [parent ID]i[item index].
Examples: for the first level dtree _0i0, dtree_0i1..., for the second level dtree_0i1i0,dtree_0i1i1, dtree_0i1i2...
Where do I fill in?
Do I have to rename my cascading menu titles?
A: Actually you shouldn't change anything.
This info is for the customers who use these indexes (dtree_0i1i2) only.
Q: How ever there is still one major issue that need to be solved before we open to site to the public and occurs when the form used by the 2020 Datashed application to search an item (page listing.asp) is used together with the Delux dropdown menu.
When the Delux dropdown menu display their data, it is possible to 'see' the information of the 2020 search form through it. The over all effect is some kind of transparency in the page that is not acceptable.
In the attached snapshot is an image of the web page that shows the effect that we want to avoid.
This effect only happens on the head area of the 2020 search form that I have marked with a red rectangle. The main body of the form, marked in blue, does not have this transparent effect.
I wonder if it is possible eliminate the transparency in javascript menu systems changing the adequate css file that is used in the red area, using the same css code that is applied in the blue area.
My solicitude for help is about this issue, could you advice about this matter and pinpoint the css file and instruction than can make this change, or there is another way to make the same result?
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var transparency="100";