Recent Questions Javascript Tree View Unlimited
Q: I am using the menu in a frameset, and I would like for the selected menu branch of the side navigation bar to stay highlighted after the user moves the mouse to another window (where the menu brings up a new page),just so the user knows where he/she is. Is that possible?
A: If you open links in the another frame (window) the initial frame with your menu isnot reloaded, so the clicked item will be highlighted.
You should set the following parameters:
var ttoggleMode=1;
var tpressedFontColor="#AAAAAA";
You can also set the following parameter to save menu state:
var tsaveState=1;
var tsavePrefix="menu1";
If you install the menu without frames. On your pages you should call the following function/functions to expand/highlight items, for example:
dtreet_ext_expandItem (dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex (0, 0), 1);
dtreet_ext_setPressedItem (0, dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex (0, 1));
See more info about API functions here:
Example: I am very interested in using your deluxe menu products for mynew website design, particularly the Tree Menu.
I've been looking at the code and am a bit worried that the links used will not berecognised by Search Engine robots.
Do you have any information regarding implementation of dhtml treemenu so that the links are fully visible to search engines?
A: You can generate search engine friendly code.
Javascript/DHTML Tree is a search engine friendly menu since v2.4.
To create a search engine friendly menu you should add additional html code within your html page:
<div id="dmlinks">
<a href="menu_link1">menu_item_text1</a>
<a href="menu_link2">menu_item_text2</a>
To generate such a code use Deluxe Tuner application.
You can find this GUI in the trial package.
Run Tuner, load your menu and click Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code (F3).
Q: Is this transparent feature there for individual submenu styles or for individual menu items in scrolling menu? I want that.
A: See, you can use "transparent" value instead of any color in the mainmenu parameters and in Individual styles.
var menuBackColor="transparent";
var menuBorderColor="transparent";
var itemBackColor=["transparent","transparent"];
var itemBorderColor=["transparent","transparent"];
var moveColor="transparent";
var shadowColor="transparent";
var itemStyles = [
var menuStyles = [
Q: I would like to purchase your software but not for web use. We often give out data cd's to our brokers for instance data management/finding. Your software with the custom menu system and ease of use to setup is just what I need to cut down my design time. But looking at your license agreement you require us to register it to a domain or intranet domain which this will not be on.
I am looking to create a menu system then burn it to a cd to allow people to carry it around with them. What do i register the domain as so that I am able to burn this to cd and they don't get a nag screen when with a client or briefing.
Thank you in advance
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
To use JavaScript Tree Menu on CD/DVD you should buy developerlicense. Other licenses allow you to use the menu on Internet/Intranetwebsites only.