Recent Questions Css Vertical Expandable Tree Menu
Q: I have placed my horizontal menu in javascript (1003 px width) in a table whose width is 1003px my dropdowns span from extreme left to extreme right (screen shots attached) by default the dropdown is leaving 20 pixels margins on both the ends which disturbs my layout. This happens when my screen resolution is 1024 x 768, when viewed in higher or wide screen monitors this problem does not arise. Please suggest a solution.
Appreciate your response.
A: This is space to document borders. We've set this space, so that yoursubmenus will not look like the part of browser window. If you wantyou can delete that space.
Open engine file for horizontal menu in javascript - dmenu.js - file in any text editor and find the following code:
Change 15 to 0.
Q: I am trying to setup a popup tab menu like the one that you have on top part of your web pages (containing items; "Home", "Product Info", "Sample"...).
Right now I am using <div id=""> tag to load everything and break the content into each tab, but it is taking a long time to load everything first then break them down into tabs. So I thought maybe having each tab's content in each page, and have a link to each page would be more efficient. But when I put a link for each tab, for example "" I get an javascript error saying "tabs[...].id is null or not an object". When I test this straight from Deluxe Tuner, I get the same message.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong here? Or is there any better way to solve my problem? Thanks in advance.
A: Check that you have style=" visibility: hidden;" for your DIVs
<div id="content1" style=" visibility: hidden; height: 400px;" class="tabPage">
> But when I put a link for each tab, for example
> "" I get an javascript error saying "tabs[...].id is
You should write:
Q: Is it possible to use an external file with these applets? Have tried
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="myscript.js">
but it does not work!
Any suggestions? I have one site with many pages, it would be handy not to have to change 20 pages just to modify one link.
A: You can use "menuItemsFile" param, example
<param name="menuItemsFile" value="menu1.txt">
The menu menu items are in menu1.txt, so you'll need to changeonly this menu1.txt if it necessary to add/remove/change items.
See also example:
Q: Is it correct that in vertical collapse menu you can specify your target as a different frame?
A: Yes, you can specify frame name as the target in Javascript/DHTML Tree:
var titemTarget="frame";