Recent Questions Simple Treeview Code
Q: The only one I wanted to change is that the colors of all items in the cool dhtml menu should be the same.
I tried to change that, but I did not find a solution.
A: You should change Individual style.
var tXPStyles = [
Q: Is there a way to center floatable menus horizontally on a page?
I used to use absolutePos=0, and all of my menus were centered ok, but when I tried floatable=1 I found that I had to change toabsolutePos=1 to get the menu to float, and this messed up my centering. Since I have multiple menus of different widths, I'd rather not have to hard-code the menu width, but please let me know if there's a better way.
A: Notice, when you use floatable menu you can't use relative menu position.
So, if you use
var absolutePos = 0;
and to center the menu you use <p> or <div> with the center alignment your menu won't float.
To center your floatable menu you should set absolute coordinates.
Q: I am trying to create a tab menu and I have some questions.
I want each tab in a hover tab menu has a different image,
the normal and hover state uses the same image and the selected state uses a different image.
A: If you want to use different images you should use Individual Item Styles and assign them for your tabs.
var bstyles = [
var bmenuItems = [
["Item 1","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ], //style1
["Item 2","", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ], //style2
["Item 3","", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", ], //style3
Q: I am testing a trial version of your Deluxe Tuner software.
I cannot configure the actual links or link names?
How do I do this?
A: You can assign link for each item.
Please, use Deluxe Tuner. In the "Item parameters" window you can set text, link, target, iconsfor the menu items.