Recent Questions Css Tree Menu V1 011
Q: I am having trouble changing a template of dhtml drop down menu code. I am using the,
and I want to add more items to the top menu, however when I add an item, it doesn't follow the format of the existing items.
A: See, we use Individual Item Styles for the top items in this template.
For, example select the "CONTACTS" item on the main window.
In the "Item Parameters" window you can see Individual Styles assignedfor this item:
Item Style - Style1
Icons / Normal - images/spacer.gif
When you add the new item you should assign Individual Styles for itand add icon in the same way.
That is all.
Q: I cannot see subitems of my down menu navigation on the website. Could you help me?
A: Now you have
var smHeight="0px";
It is not correct.
Try to set:
var smHeight="";
Q: You have been great help, but this will not work for me. All I want is the dropdown menu javascript I have attached to have these colors on the seperate top items. I just cannot make the software work . As soon as I get this done I promise to leave you alone
#0000ff Find Out Who We Are
#FF00FF Apply for a Fellowship
#00ffff Fellow'sCorner
#00ff00 Enroll in a Course
#FFFF00 Engage in a Discussion
#FF0000 Read the Bulletin
A: You should create 6 Individual Styles and assign them to you topitems.
var itemStyles = [
["itemBackColor=#0000ff,#0000ff","showByClick=0"], //style 0
["itemBackColor=#FF00FF,#FF00FF","showByClick=0"], //style 1
["itemBackColor=#00ffff,#00ffff","showByClick=0"], //style 2
["itemBackColor=#00ff00,#00ff00","showByClick=0"], //style 3
["itemBackColor=#FFFF00,#FFFF00","showByClick=0"], //style 4
["itemBackColor=#FF0000,#FF0000","showByClick=0"], //style 5
["Find out Who we are","", "", "", "", "", "0", "0", "", "", "", ], //style 0
["Apply For Fellowship","", "", "", "", "_blank", "1", "", "", "", "", ], //style 1
["Fellows Corner","", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "", "", ], //style 2
["Enroll in a course","", "", "", "", "", "3", "", "", "", "", ], //style 3
["Engage in a discussion","", "", "", "", "", "4", "", "", "", "", ], //style 4
["Read The Bulletin","", "", "", "", "", "5", "", "", "", "", ], //style 5
You can also set
var itemSpacing=0;
to delete spacing around the dropdown menu javascript.
Q: We have a problem. If the "sub menus" open downward (in a horizontal menu) and there is Flash under it, the menu disappears. It goes BEHIND the flash and can't be seen.
Is there a fix for this?
I honestly don't recall it happening before but it now does. I probably didn't pay attention. Thank you!
A: Please, check that you've set the following parameter:
var dmObjectsCheck=1;
Please, use dmenu_add.js file.For more info, please, see: