Recent Questions Walker Javascript Tree
Q: I cannot see the arrow.gif's in my rollover drop down menu.
Here is my code:
var arrowImageMain=["menudir/arrow_main3.gif","menudir/arrow_main3.gif"];
var arrowWidthSub=0;
var arrowHeightSub=0;
var arrowImageSub=["menudir/arrow_sub5.gif","menudir/arrow_sub4.gif"];
Do I need to put the arrow's somewhere else?
A: You should check the following parameter:
var pathPrefix_img="data-samples/images/";
Please check that you have the correct path to your aroows relative to the folder withindex.html file.
For example, you have:
In menu.js file you should write:
var pathPrefix_img="menudir/";
var arrowImageMain=["arrow_main3.gif","arrow_main3.gif"];
var arrowImageSub=["arrow_sub5.gif","arrow_sub4.gif"];
var pathPrefix_img="";
var arrowImageMain=["menudir/arrow_main3.gif","menudir/arrow_main3.gif"];
var arrowImageSub=["menudir/arrow_sub5.gif","menudir/arrow_sub4.gif"];
Q: I have been working with the trial package for the last couple of days, of which I have been really impressed with. However there have been a couple of things that have frustrated me greatly...
The natural place that I first tried was replacing the "content1" line with a direct URL in the var bmenuItems section but this made no difference at all. I am also trying to work out what each set of "" equate to as I have found a couple of pages on the Internet very similar to this but none of them have nine different sections.
["Home","content1", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
Is it possible to allow one of the tabs on this template to just open another page? I look forward to your response in regards to these questions and hope to hear from you again soon so that I can crack on with this project.
A: You can't assign links in Dhtml Tabs when you're using var tabMode = 0;.
You can assign only the object's ID of <div> on your page.
Try to set var tabMode = 1;
and use links for your items.
Q: I purchased the most recent version of "JavaScript Tree Menu & Tree & Tabs & Window Multiple Website License", and now can't open menus from previous versions. When I try to open a custom drop down menu that was created in an older version, I get the error:
Can't open the file:
Check youre encode parameter
This happens on all of the older menus that we're trying to update............Do I have to run some type of conversion program on older menu files?
Please let me know as quickly as possible.........we have over 100 custom drop down menus out there and now it seems that we can't edit them!
A: This message means that you should change the encoding:
"Tools/Use utf8 encode"
Change this setting and then open your data files.
Q: I am interested in Deluxe Tabs MAC Style.
However before I do I want to make sure that:
- I can change the buttons pictures on both the first row and the second row. There has to be a <img src=" " > tag in the code somewhere, correct?
- I can expand or diminish the number of buttons and links
- Also, I have a question: if I am on "Mac Tab 1" menu, and I click on "Mac Tab 2" menu without clicking on any of the links onthe second row, what is the page that I see? Do I see by default Link 2_1 or do I see some kind of generic page? In other words is there a "main" page for each tab menu and then you have the other pages which correspond to Link 2_1, Link 2_2, etc.?
- Is it possible to remember a visited sub-menu? For example I am on "Mac Tab 2/Link 2_3" and I go to "Mac Tab 4/Link 4_2" and then I come back to "Mac Tab 2". Can the main page for this "Mac Tab 2" be Link 2_3 which was my last visited link on that tab?
A: 1) No, there is no such tag - <img src=" " >
For the main items you should set such parameters:
bbeforeItemImage - left part of the item
bafterItemImage - right part of the item
bitemBackImage - center part of the item
in normal, mouseover and selected states.
And for the subitems (in MAC template) you should set onlybitemBackImage - the center part of the item.
Please, see the code of this template.
2) You can create any number of the buttons and links.
3) You can set links for main items and for the subitems.
For example:
var bmenuItems =
["Mac Tab 1","",,,,,,],
["|Link 1_1","",,,,,,"0"],
["|Link 1_2","testlink.htm",,,,,,"0"],
["|Link 1_3","testlink.htm",,,,,,"0"],
So, if you click on "Mac Tab 1" you will go to
And if you write so
["Mac Tab 1","",,,,,,],
no page will open.
4) This Tab menu can save pressed item automatically within1 page only. If you open another page, the menu can't remember presseditem. You should do that manually using Javascript and menu parameters( var bselectedItem, var bselectedSmItem) or using any server-sidescript (php, asp, etc.)