Tree Map Template by
Tree Map Template

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Menu Screenshots Tree Map Template

Tree Map Template Tree Expanding Navigation Menu Example

Features Tree Map Template

Seamless Integration
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your tree map template menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing
Tree Crear Menu Tree Map Template
Professional Look-n-feel
  • Entirely customizable look-n-feel
  • A lot of pre-designed tree map template samples
  • Hundreds of visual effects
  • Custom CSS styles can be applied for all menu settings
  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
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Javascript Tree Menu. Expandable Menu.

  • There can be as many submenus as you want.
  • Use a mouse to drag a menu as a usual window.
  • When the page is scrolled the menu remains visible. The Javascript/DHTML Tree can "float" along one or two coordinate axes. After clicking on menu item selected item becomes highlighted.

Recent Questions Tree Map Template

Q: Shouldn’t the dhtml expand menu know what page you are on and expand accordingly?
Or would you need to ‘hard code’ each page to be expanded basedon that page?

A: You should set the following parameter
  var ttoggleMode=1;

Javascript/DHTML Tree doesn't save a presseditem as it saves a tree state. It works within 1 page only and if youreload the page you should set a pressed item using Javascript API:

function dtreet_ext_setPressedItem (menuInd, itemID)

Please, see here:

You can also set
  var tsaveState = 1;

More info you can find

To expand specific items you should use API function
function dtreet_ext_expandItem (itemID, expand)

Try that.

Q: How do I go about using the menu javascripts feature and javascript popup on the same HTML page? I'm getting a Java Error.

A: 1) Notice that you should call dmWorkPath parameter and dmenu.js file only once on yourhtml page.

2) When you have several menus on the same page they have different menuInd (0,1,2,3...)
For example you have:

<script type="text/javascript" src="data.js"></script> //standard menu menuInd=0
<script type="text/javascript" src="popup-data.js"></script> //popup menu menuInd=1

You should call your popup in the following way:

<img src="mypic.gif" onClick="return dm_popup(1, 1000, event);">


<script type="text/javascript" src="popup-data.js"> </script> //popup menu menuInd=0
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.js"></script> //standard menu menuInd=1

You should call your popup in the following way:

<img src="mypic.gif" onClick="return dm_popup(0, 1000, event);">

Q: I get coches word in black when the menu loads the first time and I didn't configured that to happend.

A: Check the following parameters:

  var bselectedItem=1;
  var bfontColor=["#000000","",""];

Q: Is it possible that when a main button on the home page is clicked and the viewer goes to the subpage, that the navbar will expand to the correct subpage submenu? For example, I click on Agent and when the subpage loads the submenu is expanded under Agent.

I've been trying to get the javascript hide menu bar to stay highlightedwhen clicked on and directed to that page. For example when clickedon Agent, then Agent Home, once that page loads the whole javascript hide menu bar for Agent Home stays highlighted in orange. I haven't been successful, any suggestions?

A: Tree Menu doesn't save a presseditem as it saves a tree state. It works within 1 page only and if youreload the page you should set a pressed item using Javascript API.

You can find more info on our website: