Recent Questions Syntax Of Treeview In Jquery
Q: I am working on a menu for a client. I have most of the functionality in place for this client. I have 2 questions that I have not been able to figure out on this menu.
1. Is there a way to define the border image or color on an item in this simple javascript dropdown menu. I need to be able to add in lines between the items. I have not been able to figure out how to do that.
2. Is there a way to dynamically highlite an item? For instance if you are on the page "Horizon for SAP" as illustrated, I would want that to show differently in the menu.
I have written scripts to dynamically generate this menu based off of a sitemap. I just need to make one item on it look different based on your breadcrumb or where you are in the site.
A: > Is there a way to define the border image or color on an item.
You can't specify the image for border, but the color and width are fully configurable.
> 2. Is there a way to dynamically highlite an item?
Yes, please see
Q: Hello, I have used your menus on a few different websites I have built and have never had a problem like this one. I will be purchasing a license if i can get this to function correctly. For some reason my php javascript menu icons are overlapping or repeating and appearing in a wrong place, but only in IE. In firefox it looks fine....and in safari, just not in IE. here is the temp link to the page.
Thanks for the help, the support has always been great in the past and i look forward to purchasing a license once this is resolved....
A: var menuBackRepeat="no-repeat";
Check the following parameter also, you've set it incorrectly:
var itemPadding="1px 5px 2px 10px1";
You should write, for example:
var itemPadding="3px";Q: I am using a licensed copy of JavaScript Tree Menu and am extremelyhappy with the dhtml mouseover menu and the functionalities provided. Great Work!!
I wanted to know how to hide/ disable a dhtml mouseover menu item for a particular user/roleid in .ASP.Net1.1
Kindly help me out with this problem as soon as possible.
A: You can find more info here:
You can try to use API functions in that case:
function dm_ext_changeItemVisibility (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, visibility)
To disable items you should set the target parameter to "_".
You can try to use the following function
function disable() {
dm_ext_changeItem(0, 1, 1, ["", "", "", "", "", "_"]);
to disable your dhtml mouseover menu items.
Q: First I want to thank you for the great support you provided. I have another question about the dynamic javascript tree. Is there a javascript API to fire an user click event so the browser will load proper page accordingly? I looked around the current APIs from your site and could not find one.
A: You can use dtreet_ext_userClick (itemID) function.
See more info:
Actually you can use your own Javascript code instead standard links and html code inside item text. For example:
var tmenuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
var tmenuitems = [
["<div onClick='urlSubstitution(\'transco/sheet.asp?stype=1\')'>Table of Contents</div>", ""]