Recent Questions Expandable Tree Menu Onmouseover Html
Q: Although our college standard is IE, a lot of our students use firefox. I tried the css drop menu in Firefox 2, and it works, but the nice transition effect isn't there. Will you make this work soon?
A: Transparency and other transitional effects are supported by IE 5.5+only. This is MS IE feature. Other browsers don't support them.
Q: Last, I couldn't solve the issue I meet when I set up a long name for an dhtml side menu item: next item overlaps. Is it possible to specify the width of an item?
A: You can try to use the following dhtml side menu parameters to use combinedbackground for your items:
var beforeItemImage = [,]; //left-side image for normal and mouse over state
var itemBackImage = [,]; //background or image for normal and mouse over state
var afterItemImage = [,]; //right-side image for normal and mouse over state
var beforeItemImageW = '';
var afterItemImageW = '';
var beforeItemImageH = '';
var afterItemImageH ='';
But you should create a small images in any Graph Editor, for example:
Q: You will see I got the first level looking amazing.. this is exactly what I wanted. The interesting thing I figured out was not to use the item border.. this was messing things up. You may notice that when each item highlights.. there is a 1px white line at the separators.. but this is not produced with the item border, but rather from the separator itself which I made in two 1 pixel lines, one blue, on white.. this created that effect.
So now my only problem left is to figure out how to bring this look into the submenus. I was thinking it would be nice to use the separators in the same way throughout the submenus. There does not however seem to be a way to do this. When I tried inserting a separator into a submenu.. nothing happened... I am probably doing this wrong.
Can you please show me how to create the same look I have in the first level in the submenus.. this would be helpful.
I must say, this menu is finally starting to look the way I originally envisioned it. I am very happy. =o)
Thank you so much for all the help you have given me.
A: To add separators in submenus you should write it so:
["|-",] //first level submenus
["||-",] //second level submenus
and so on.
Try that.
Q: If I wanted to change the graphics at a later date in tab menu javascript (main top tabs, subtabs, etc.), how would I do that?
A: In that case you should open images I'm using for top tabs in any graph editor and changethem.
back_o.gif //back images for normal and hover states for the last tabs in the top menu(instead of the 1-st 6 items)
sep_top.gif // separator for the top items
top1_o.gif //back images for normal and hover states for the 1-st tab, you can change thetext of this tab in deluxe-menu.js:
["<font color='#FFF90E'>MAIN</font><br>Initiative<br>(Strategy)","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "5", "4", "", "", "", ],
By the way to apply hint for this item you should write:
["<font color='#FFF90E'>MAIN</font><br>Initiative<br>(Strategy)","testlink.html", "", "", "This hint appears when you hover over the 1-st item", "", "5", "4", "", "", "", ],
top2_o.gif //back images for normal and hover states for the 2-nd tab, you can change thetext of this tab in deluxe-menu.js:
["<font color='#FFF90E'>PAIN</font><br>Identified<br>(Problems)","", "", "", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ],
and so on...
For the subtabs I'm use images for arrows only:
var arrowWidthSub=8;
var arrowHeightSub=8;
var arrowImageSub=["deluxe-menu.files/arrow.gif","deluxe-menu.files/arrow_o.gif"]