Recent Questions Ajax Jquery Tree Menu From Database
Q: I am working on creating a new navigation menu with Tree menu.
I wonder how I can reduce the width of the menu?
A: You should set this parameter
var tmenuWidth = "275px";
Try to set also the following parameters:
var tlevelDX = 0;
var tnoWrap=0;
Q: Could you please tel me : How to use UN-Code on the item. I make some menu based on Farsi language ( Arabic) , but it does not work.
A: You're able to use any characters for JavaScript Tree Menu in the same way asyou use them for standard html page.
The only issue is that submenus can be shown in incorrect positionwhen you're using dir=rtl for your page.
var dmRTL = 0;
Set this parameter to 1 if you're using right-to-left direction of html page <HTML dir=rtl>.
Use also
var smViewType = 2;
for right-to-left languages.
Please, see example:
This examples demonstrates how the menu can change a submenusdirection. Use var smViewType parameter to change a submenusdirection:
var smViewType = 0..3;
0 - from left to right;
1 - from left to right + upwards;
2 - from right to left;
3 - from right to left + upwards;
In JavaScript Tree Menu when you call data .js file you can try to specify the encoding:
<script src="data.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Unfortunately, you can't use arabic characters in Deluxe Tuner application.
You should manually correct your code.
Q: I just downloaded the Deluxe-Menu program. It looks very nice, but I keep getting this pop up while trying to set up my first menu:
"an error has occurred in the script on this page:
line 15
char 9
access is denied
code 0
with a link to the toolbar.html in my program files where the JavaScript Tree Menu installed.
At this point, I am just trying my first menu - not using a browser.
(I normally use Firefox but also have IE installed).
A: I suppose that you're using Windows 2000.
We have some problems with Tuner on this OS.
Unfortunately we didn't fix the issue with Windows 2000 yet.
Try to delete all content from toolbar.html file.
C:/Program Files/DeluxeMenus/deluxe-menu/deluxe-tuner/data/deluxe-tree/toolbar/toolbar.html
C:/Program Files/DeluxeMenus/deluxe-menu/deluxe-tuner/data/deluxe-menu/toolbar/toolbar.html
C:/Program Files/DeluxeMenus/deluxe-menu/deluxe-tuner/data/deluxe-tabs/toolbar/toolbar.html
Q: I am trying to change the Width for only one javascript popup menu item and going to the below menu individual style and changing the smwidth .
But this is not changing.
A: You should assign Individual Submenu Style for the items.
You can assign it in the "Item Parameters" window.
Select for example the first item in submenu and assign IndividualSubmenu Style.