Recent Questions Template Monster Tree Menu
Q: Could you please help me with another question?
I am using your regular dhtml menu inside an asp page.
I want to make a call to different javascripts with parameters from different menu items (Which should work fine.. )
I have now been trying to do this by using the alert() java metod....
This line works perfect:
["|Test A","javascript:alert('Test');", "", "", "", "", "0", "-1", "", ],
But if I try to write the same line within ASP brachets ( <% %> ) the menu does not show up:
response.Write( " ['|Test A','javascript:alert('Test');', '', '', '', '', '0', '-1', '', ], " )
I have also found that if I remove the parameter inside the javascript like this:
response.Write( " ['|Test A','javascript:alert();', '', '', '', '', '0', '-1', '', ], " )
the menu will show up and the script will work but since I can not insert any parameter it is pointless..
How can I achieve this?
I really hope you can help me with this one!
A: Try to write your code in the following way:
response.Write( " ['|Test A','javascript:alert(\'Test\');', '', '', '', '', '0', '-1', '', ], " )
Q: I want to use the java mac tabs, but my sub menu has no image like on the table sample on your site.
A: You should assign Individual Style for all subitems:
var bmenuItems = [
["XP Tab 1","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Link 1_1","testlink.htm", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["|Link 1_2","testlink.htm", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["|Link 1_3","testlink.htm", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["|Link 1_4","testlink.htm", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["|Link 1_5","testlink.htm", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
Q: I’m setting an after item image as follows (this code was generated by Deluxe Tuner, not by hand/text editor):
var afterItemImage=["designimgs/btn-ico.gif","designimgs/btn-ico-active.gif"];
var afterItemImageW=8;
var afterItemImageH=7;
As you can see, the after item image is not appearing in my access drop down menu – do you have any idea why that would be/how to fix?
A: You should create Individual style and assign it for the top access drop down menu items:
var itemStyles = [
["itemBackImage=designimgs/blank.gif,designimgs/blank.gif", "beforeItemImage=designimgs/blank.gif,designimgs/blank.gif", "afterItemImage=designimgs/btn-ico.gif,designimgs/btn-ico-active.gif", "beforeItemImageW=1","afterItemImageW=8", "beforeItemImageH=1","afterItemImageH=7","itemBorderWidth=0"],
Q: My slide drop down menu appears at the top of the page rather than in the cell in which I placed it
A: You're using absolute position for the menu now:
var absolutePos=1;
You should use the relative position:
var absolutePos=0;