Recent Questions Menu Tree Jquery Populate From Database
Q: Can the JavaScript Tree Menus be set to open by click and stay open when clicked for some time?
A: You can open JavaScript Tree Menu on click. Set this parameter:
var showByClick = 0;          Show submenus on a mouse click only.
0 - disabled (default),   1 - enabled.
You can use such parameter in you menu:
var transDuration = 300;         - Delay of a transitional effect (in ms) on submenu's showing.
Q: Is there a way to capture which dhtml web menu item was clicked and store that information into a database?
A: See how you can find the ID of the clicked item:
var menuItems = [
["Home","javascript:alert(", "", "", "", "_self", "3"],
Q: I can't find anywhere in your documentation that states where I can call this function onclick other than in the menu web page target.
A: You can use onclick event in the following way:
var menuitems = [
["<div onClick='getLink(\'/Admin/Sales/Customers/Customers.asp\')'>Table of Contents</div>", ""]
]; Q: I recently downloaded the trial version of JavaScript Tree Menu-Javascript/DHTML Tree and Deluxe Tabs. I am very, very pleased with your product!! I wish to purchase JavaScript Tree Menu & Tree & Tabs & Popup Window & Calendar Single Website License Product # 300094393.
However, before I do, I have a few questions first.
Question #1
I created a DeluxeTree Menu that is very large due to the amount of pages in my website and tested it on my website. It works fine. Of course I have created and saved a .js file and still have to add much more submenus to it. When I purchase the full version of javascript context menu will and begin to modify this .js file that I created will the "Trail Version" logo disappear? I hope so because it would be quite a task to have to re-create this file.
Question #2
I also created a JavaScript Tree Menu in a cross frame structure and placed the menu in the top frame. When I tested it and click on the menu button, the submenus drop down but do not appear in the frame below. They remain in the top frame forcing me to resize the top frame to see the submenus. When I viewed the example on your website for the cross frame structure, the examples show the submenus overlapping and appearing on the frame below the top frame. How do I fix this?
Thank you for time, looking forward to purchasing your product.
A: 1) There is no need to create your javascript context menu after the purchase.
You'll use new engine files only.
The purchased version of JavaScript Tree Menus doesn't have nag messages.
You'll see "Incorrect Key" message on a local machine but you won't see it on a registered domain.
2) You should install the menu in a cross-frame mode, see more info here:
Click "Show additional info" button.